Friday, February 3, 2017

Random Thoughts: Kindness in SWTOR

(From February 2, 2017)

This morning I joined my very first group, in connection with a Heroic mission on Dromund Kaas. I used the chat option for the first time too. It was both terrifying and exciting for me.

Fortunately, the player who helped me out was very kind, and willing to explain just about everything to me, from how to not get stuck in chat when you're trying to fight, how in blazes to complete that one mission, and how to find my Quick Travel, which had been missing.

I even fell off a cliff, and had to be revived.

The level of consideration shown to me was quite wonderful, and even though I managed to not be very helpful in any of the actual battles, I still had fun...
And I'm far more likely to try grouping again in the future now. Hopefully I can get the hang of it to where I'm actually a help, instead of just a learner.

So for all of you people out there who take the time to help a new person learn to play well and have fun: thank you. Thank you so much. You make the world just a bit brighter— in the Star Wars universe and here in our own.

The Force will be with you, always.

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