Friday, November 3, 2017

Episode VIII Ridiculous Theory

So while I was watching a new The Last Jedi TV spot, I had a sudden thought. I don't think it is actually what's happening, but it might make for a fun AU sometime.

Snoke says, "Dark rises, and the Light to meet it." What if he facilitated Ben's fall to the dark side not because he needed a powerful darksider, but because he needed the light user who would come out of the woodwork to face Kylo?

After all, didn't Han tell Kylo that Snoke was simply using him as a means to an end and would discard him when done?

If I just went overboard with my imagination, I'd like to dovetail that into the idea that Snoke is from the Unknown Regions, part of the ancient threat that Thrawn has been trying to build a defense against for so long.

Perhaps there's an artifact that can only be accessed through strong use of the light? Or maybe Snoke's power is limited by some ritual performed by ancient Force Wielders of a caliber similar to his, with the idea that only a champion of the light could return him to his full, devastating potential, and so he has to lure one in, and trick them into freeing him the rest of the way?

Rey could trick Kylo into thinking she wants to join him, only to try to fight Snoke in the Throne Room. Snoke reveals his true designs, informs Kylo he's nothing, and attacks Rey. In a rage over his own naivete and the fool he's been made to appear, Kylo attacks Snoke, surprising him, but that is not enough to turn the tide.

In strides Luke, who duels Snoke so that Rey and Kylo can escape. Luke is presumed dead- either really is, or is locked away somewhere- and the film ends with Rey and Kylo agreeing to team up for real this time to take out Snoke.

Which they do in Episode IX, and maybe relocate the thought-to-be-dead Luke Skywalker in a very nasty dungeon somewhere. Maybe on Mustafar, because I really want to see Vader's castle some more.

I look forward to December, when I'll be able to look back at this and laugh over how far off the mark I was!

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