Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Rogue One Trailer

While I'm writing this, the official teaser trailer on's YouTube account has 300K likes, 14K dislikes, and 56,323 comments. Discussions, arguments, and predictions are all over social media, blogs, podcasts, and anywhere else  ideas can be shared. Everybody's got something to say, and that's not a bad thing at all.

However, as you know, Remember Clone Captain Keeli is not the place you go to for either critique or criticism. There are many awesome sites that offer all kinds of evaluations... but they're elsewhere. What I have to offer here is unashamed enthusiasm. Whatever Rogue One ends up being, it's Star Wars. It will be whatever the creative minds behind it want it to be, and that's exactly what I want to see.

Here's the list of my ten favorite moments from the trailer. Enjoy!

1.) The Rebel soldiers' helmets. They're large, have fun chin straps, and no face protection. They also remind me instantly of the beginning of A New Hope. Will we see the Antilles that Vader Force-choked on the Tantive IV, I wonder?

2.) The hangar that looks like it came straight out of Episode IV. How awesome is that?

3.) The glowing green tactical boards, round tactical table, and Mon Mothma. Wow. Talk about more Original Trilogy familiarity! Rogue One. Not me. Obviously. Since I don't know the technical names for said boards and table.

4.) Jyn hitting stormtroopers. Because anytime stormtroopers are getting it handed to them, it's cool. Sorry, 501st-ers.

5.) The Death Star reveal. This is my absolute favorite moment. The lighting, the giant firing dish... just the fact that she's there, in all her short-lived and deadly glory. It's no wonder Tarkin fell in love with her.

6.) The Imperial sirens. I love that sound.

7.) Orange-suited pilots.

8.) The character design for all the new people, especially the costumes. A few of them are tempting me to cosplay, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the sewing just yet.

9.) The white-caped Imperial. Just who is he, and where is he in the Navy's hierarchy? I can't wait to see the 501st costumes.

10.) The mysterious hooded figure with the two royal guards... who is the individual in the black cape?

So many questions, questions that need answering, to lightly quote Ahsoka Tano. Thankfully, we have less than a year to wait.

What did you like the best? I'd love to hear. Comment below or tweet me, I'm @StarWarsSyl.

The Force will be with you, always.

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