Monday, June 26, 2017

Wild Speculation #1: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 3, All In

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

This particular blog post was written as I watched the episode, so it will feel a bit in-the-moment and choppy.

I started watching Beauty and the Beast a couple weeks ago, and since it's the current TV show I'm working my way through, I think we'll start here.

For the record, I really like the lettering when they give the nameplate for the show at the beginning of the episodes, the way the lettering crawls, and has the spooky background.

The murder-by-car scene at the beginning of the episode was surprisingly honest. They showed a lot more of it than I was expecting. No gore, but they didn't play it off as you know it happened but only saw the car hit him frontways. Nope. It backed over the poor man and the camera stayed put. I can't help but wonder if that will be the tone for the rest of the show, because I was under the impression it wouldn't. Our “beast” has been spectacularly difficult to actually see so far.

I really like the dynamic between Tess and Catherine so far.

What do you want to bet this random inspection of the examination room has everything to do with our Beast, and nothing to do with an assistant who “misfiled paperwork”?

Ah, time code 23:10— “said the man had a knife in his arm” “probably meant in his hand.” I'm calling it now, it's a tattoo.

27:52— Awesome! It was a tattoo! And an awesome one at that.

I absolutely love how Catherine displays no fear of our Beast. She steps up, takes charge, talks him down. She doesn't yell at him to pull himself together, she takes this completely in stride. She takes control and changes the equation so the result can be as positive as possible.

Now I'm trying to figure out if the big confrontation with the Beast Masters (And now I'm starting to sound like Cisco from Flash) will begin mid-season or as the season finale. I'm going to give a completely unsubstantiated guess (the point of this type of post) and say I think it will be... mid-season finale. I'll let you know if my guess changes!

And now I have a cat trying to share my lap with the laptop, so I'm going to have to stop typing or kick her off. I'm afraid the cat wins.

See you next time, guys!

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