Saturday, January 28, 2017

Random Thoughts: Cad Bane Has Fangs

(From January 27, 2017)

Cad Bane has fangs.

And somehow, through all the times I've watched his episodes, loving every second of it—

I never noticed.

Me. Who absolutely loves fangs.

Ah, well. Now I know.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Random Thoughts: Stronghold Mania

(From January 26, 2017)

I may have gone a little bit bonkers this morning.

I spent my entire allotted SWTOR hour in my Coruscant Stronghold (the only one I have for now) running around my three open rooms and figuring out what in blazes to do with them with the decorations I already possess.

 Everything ended up placed, except for the 49 other copies of the various pictures I collected from the 5-year Anniversary Vendor.

I may have accidentally discovered what the word bound means on an item as I played around with sticking things in my Legacy Cargo bay. On some things I would get red text that said it couldn't move there because it was bound.

And apparently pets belong to a single character too? Back during the Life Day event, I threw snowballs like a madwoman until I had enough parcels for the baby wampa. That was with Triscalion (my Jedi Knight Sentinel). But when I logged on with Eegan and went looking, there wasn't even a pets tab in that panel. Curious.


Anyway. Odd stuff happened. Apparently Triscalion had various companions as decorations automatically? I used a token to create him, making him instantly high-level so I could take him through Knights of the Eternal Throne. I haven't played KotFE, and I'm still working on the original game, so I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are. Deciding that didn't matter, I placed them all around the room anyway.

Then I came back with Eegan, to see which ones would look like blue holograms and which would be physically present.

And discovered that the two who didn't look like holograms had lost all their clothes. The Cathar male, and the Devaronian with the broken horn. That's baffling me a bit.

Random Thoughts: Continuing Story- Harissa Nol

(From January 26, 2017)

We are a couple chapters away from the end of Only Preparation being posted. In one sense, it's hard to believe; in another, I am so thrilled. Harissa's story is only a gateway into a web of myth that just keeps growing, and I can't wait to share it with you.

As I've been completing the final edits and posting chapters, I've also been working on the second book in the duology. I am now 52,952 words into it, and I'm very excited about it.

I'm not entirely sure how long it will end up being. My novel-length works usually end up around 90- to 110,000 words long. The specifics of this one will be dictated by the feel of the story. It will tell me when it's ready.

I am happy to say that some of the characters you have grown to love will make an appearance, as well as some new characters, who I hope will leave an impression.

I am not entirely sure about the posting schedule for the rest of Only Preparation. We'll have to see what my own personal schedule ends up allowing.

May the Force be with you all!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Random Thoughts: First Stronghold Decoration

(From January 25, 2017)

I confess that Stronghold decorating completely baffled me. When I tried clicking on a decoration in my inventory, it seemed to disappear, and I had no idea what was going on. I did manage to place a chair, and what appeared to be a hologram of T7 that first day in my Stronghold, and then I backed away and gave up.

That was back in 2016. (Do you enjoy saying that as much as I do? It's 2017, people. Still crazy.) This past week I decided it was time to take another run at it, so I went to Swtorista's Academy on Youtube to see if I could find any hints.

I found two videos, and wow, some of those stronghold images are beautiful. Definitely got me excited to try again.

This morning I set the patch to download— 5.1, here now is. I had about ten minutes left after that before I had to leave, so I took Eegan, my Jedi Knight Guardian, to my one Stronghold.

First I played around with the windows to try to understand the terminology, and then I cautiously clicked on one of the “paintings” the 5-year anniversary vendor on the fleet had been selling. The number in my inventory went down, and the list of unlocked, available-to-place decorations went up.

Emboldened, I tried the Legacy Cargo Bay, and that worked too.

So, with only a little time left, I planted the Legacy box, and ta-da. Now I have a place to put all of my crafting materials, and it actually works!

I was ridiculously proud of myself.

Now I just have to figure out what my color scheme is supposed to be like. That is not my strong point.

Random Thoughts: Upcoming Maul Comic

(From January 25, 2017)

Today I heard more news about the Maul comic.

Aurra Sing and Cad Bane are going to put in an appearance! Cad Bane is my favorite bounty hunter from any era, so I'm thrilled we'll get to add to his story— his first appearance in the canon in-universe chronology.

I am also delighted that the story will take place before Phantom Menace. I do love my Prequel-era content.

Although I have just given two very good reasons for me to be excited about this particular comic, I probably will collect it later, given the fact that my list of must get my hands on the instant it comes out is long enough as it is. Eventually it will find its way onto my bookshelf, where all of my canon stories are ordered chronologically, as much as possible...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Random Thoughts: MCR Droids

(From January 24, 2017)

I spent an hour in SWTOR this morning, as usual. My Level 3 Sith Inquisitor Assassin (Diohal) is helping me collect the rest of the Korriban Legacy achievements that I missed when I ran through with my Sith Warrior Marauder (Teragor).

I collected the three lore objects in the Academy that I'd missed, and because several other people were in the area at the same time as myself, I ended up leveling to 3 without having actually been in combat yet, which I find amusing.

I have several more fallen acolytes to slay, and a bazillion shyracks. Looks like I'll be dunking skulls in a blood pool several times before collecting my companion, whoever that will be for this class.

Yes. I attacked that mission a few times with my Warrior before I decided that patience was the better part of valor, and to wait until I collected whatever companion they were going to give me. It's a long way to walk to get back there once you've revived at a med droid.

I know I found shyracks in one of the tombs... I'll need to go figure out which one it was again...

And apparently, according to my Legacy bars, there's a terentatek out there somewhere that I completely did not come across as a Warrior. Maybe that's a boss you only face as an Inquisitor. I suppose I shall find out soon enough.

There was one section in the Korriban area of the Legacy panel that had me stumped. Finding MCR droids. Today I googled to find out just what that means and how in blazes to go about it. Turns out I can't do that until I'm past level 50, so I'm just going to shrug my shoulders, pretend the incomplete bar isn't bothering me, and wait until I'm leveled enough.

Random Thoughts: Episode VIII's Title

(From January 24, 2017)

Today I heard the news that Episode VIII's title has been announced.

The Last Jedi.

Of course, what hit me first was the history that particular phrase has in Star Wars. The Last of the Jedi series by Jude Watson contained a continuation of a few characters from her earlier stories as well as a few other notables such as Dexter Jettster and Boba Fett.

Jude Watson wasn't the only person to use the phrase as a title. Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff used The Last Jedi for the sequel to the Coruscant Nights trilogy, continuing the misadventures of Jax Pavan and the droid I-5YQ. I love that droid, by the by.

So yes, the title has rich history surrounding it.

You're undoubtedly demanding I point out the line in Episode VI, which is, most likely, where the namers of Ep VIII took it from. The moment when Yoda pronounces to Luke that once he's died, the last of the Jedi will he be.

We spent the two hours in Ep VII wondering when we would get to see Luke, and now they've practically named the next movie, “Star Wars: Episode VIII: Luke.”

All of this to say: I like it. I like it a lot. I love that it has all kinds of EU precedent, even though that has nothing to do with what the movie will be about, and it's highly likely the namers had no idea whatsoever about those former usages.

I like that it has a reference to a movie that's come before.

I like that it could mean Luke, or it could mean Rey, if Luke dies after training her somewhat.

I like that it feels like a Star Wars title.

And I especially like that the movie is coming out this December. I really like that.