Friday, January 27, 2017

Random Thoughts: Stronghold Mania

(From January 26, 2017)

I may have gone a little bit bonkers this morning.

I spent my entire allotted SWTOR hour in my Coruscant Stronghold (the only one I have for now) running around my three open rooms and figuring out what in blazes to do with them with the decorations I already possess.

 Everything ended up placed, except for the 49 other copies of the various pictures I collected from the 5-year Anniversary Vendor.

I may have accidentally discovered what the word bound means on an item as I played around with sticking things in my Legacy Cargo bay. On some things I would get red text that said it couldn't move there because it was bound.

And apparently pets belong to a single character too? Back during the Life Day event, I threw snowballs like a madwoman until I had enough parcels for the baby wampa. That was with Triscalion (my Jedi Knight Sentinel). But when I logged on with Eegan and went looking, there wasn't even a pets tab in that panel. Curious.


Anyway. Odd stuff happened. Apparently Triscalion had various companions as decorations automatically? I used a token to create him, making him instantly high-level so I could take him through Knights of the Eternal Throne. I haven't played KotFE, and I'm still working on the original game, so I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are. Deciding that didn't matter, I placed them all around the room anyway.

Then I came back with Eegan, to see which ones would look like blue holograms and which would be physically present.

And discovered that the two who didn't look like holograms had lost all their clothes. The Cathar male, and the Devaronian with the broken horn. That's baffling me a bit.

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