Thursday, January 26, 2017

Random Thoughts: First Stronghold Decoration

(From January 25, 2017)

I confess that Stronghold decorating completely baffled me. When I tried clicking on a decoration in my inventory, it seemed to disappear, and I had no idea what was going on. I did manage to place a chair, and what appeared to be a hologram of T7 that first day in my Stronghold, and then I backed away and gave up.

That was back in 2016. (Do you enjoy saying that as much as I do? It's 2017, people. Still crazy.) This past week I decided it was time to take another run at it, so I went to Swtorista's Academy on Youtube to see if I could find any hints.

I found two videos, and wow, some of those stronghold images are beautiful. Definitely got me excited to try again.

This morning I set the patch to download— 5.1, here now is. I had about ten minutes left after that before I had to leave, so I took Eegan, my Jedi Knight Guardian, to my one Stronghold.

First I played around with the windows to try to understand the terminology, and then I cautiously clicked on one of the “paintings” the 5-year anniversary vendor on the fleet had been selling. The number in my inventory went down, and the list of unlocked, available-to-place decorations went up.

Emboldened, I tried the Legacy Cargo Bay, and that worked too.

So, with only a little time left, I planted the Legacy box, and ta-da. Now I have a place to put all of my crafting materials, and it actually works!

I was ridiculously proud of myself.

Now I just have to figure out what my color scheme is supposed to be like. That is not my strong point.

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