Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Random Thoughts: Episode VIII's Title

(From January 24, 2017)

Today I heard the news that Episode VIII's title has been announced.

The Last Jedi.

Of course, what hit me first was the history that particular phrase has in Star Wars. The Last of the Jedi series by Jude Watson contained a continuation of a few characters from her earlier stories as well as a few other notables such as Dexter Jettster and Boba Fett.

Jude Watson wasn't the only person to use the phrase as a title. Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff used The Last Jedi for the sequel to the Coruscant Nights trilogy, continuing the misadventures of Jax Pavan and the droid I-5YQ. I love that droid, by the by.

So yes, the title has rich history surrounding it.

You're undoubtedly demanding I point out the line in Episode VI, which is, most likely, where the namers of Ep VIII took it from. The moment when Yoda pronounces to Luke that once he's died, the last of the Jedi will he be.

We spent the two hours in Ep VII wondering when we would get to see Luke, and now they've practically named the next movie, “Star Wars: Episode VIII: Luke.”

All of this to say: I like it. I like it a lot. I love that it has all kinds of EU precedent, even though that has nothing to do with what the movie will be about, and it's highly likely the namers had no idea whatsoever about those former usages.

I like that it has a reference to a movie that's come before.

I like that it could mean Luke, or it could mean Rey, if Luke dies after training her somewhat.

I like that it feels like a Star Wars title.

And I especially like that the movie is coming out this December. I really like that.

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