Monday, November 14, 2016

Adventures of Eegan #1: Hang On, Master

The Adventures of Eegan contain extensive spoilers for Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you intend to play the game yourself, you may not want to read these posts. If you're just interested in my adventures, mishaps, and how thoroughly I get involved in the role-playing aspect (very, very, very), and don't mind hearing the story in the process, welcome aboard.

You are entering the Eegan zone. From here on out, the word “I” means Eegan, a young female Zabrak Jedi Initiate.

I checked my maps and located the Forge that Ranna Tao'Ven spoke of.

The Twi'lek Matriarch of the village Kalikori had expressed sorrow at betraying my Master, Orgus Din, into the hands of his fallen former Padawan.

She said she hoped I could rescue him in time.

I followed the path, tangling with a few wild creatures, but other than that, I was left in peace. What peace I could find, that is.

I'd seen Bengel Morr only twice before— both times by hologram. The first was an image T7-01 had sneakily recorded during his incarceration, and the second...

The second, Bengel spoke to me, personally.

It's a little intimidating.
From the way the Jedi Council spoke, it's clear that Master Din was severely burned by his Padawan's death.

What they... thought... was his death.

He'd been there, at the Temple. When the Sith came.

When it burned.

They thought his corpse lay among the countless slaughtered.

Master Din had refused to take another Padawan since.

And yet he took me.

It filled me with gratitude, and quite a bit of trepidation.

And then he discovered Bengel isn't dead.

Instead, the Nautolan former Padawan is sending Flesh Raiders to kill Jedi. I could see that hurt Master Din. He was shocked, horrified.

He told me that Bengel was a kind soul. So gentle.

He couldn't understand what had been done to him.

I confess that knowing my Master's former apprentice was out there made me uneasy, and not just because he seemed to resent me for thwarting the Flesh Raiders' attempted depredations.

I think it may have to do with who I am.

Orgus Din's new Padawan.

And now Bengel Morr has our Master in his hands, at a place called the Forge.

I followed the map to a cave high up a cliff, beside a beautiful waterfall. The mist dampened my skin and robes as I passed.

Inside the cave, I discovered droids, like the ones I fought in Kaleth. I was thankful to have T7 with me. Not only does he help me heal, he takes out some of the enemies we encounter all on his own.

Seeing his bravery and self-sufficiency always fills my heart with pride.

Not long ago I rescued him from the Flesh Raiders. Now, he seems glued to my side.

I'm certainly not complaining.

And he says the most adorable things.

The cave led me to the other side of the mountain, a secluded area I doubt I could access any other way. It's beautiful, here.

And full of Flesh Raiders.

I fought my way through them, following the path, hoping it would lead me to my Master.

Was that too possessive a term? I knew Bengel also has a claim on him.

I tried to still the nervous churning in my gut.

Bengel had years of training that I didn't. He had a lightsaber.

I have a vibroblade.

Granted, it's a good blade, and has stood by me in countless contests against Flesh Raiders and guardian droids in the ruins of Kaleth.

Our home isn't as safe as one might expect. The epicenter of the Jedi Order has danger caressing its every shrine.

I've been careful to keep my armor in good shape, and I had T7.

I just wasn't sure it would be enough against Bengel.

Especially when he might have countless Flesh Raiders at his command.

I was there without backup. The other Jedi were busy fighting for their lives elsewhere.

I was on my own.

And then I saw it.

The Forge.

A long stair with no railing, broken and crumbling so it appeared to swerve crazily, leading up to an open doorway. Beautiful stonework, leading into the mountain.

Everything on Tython is beautiful.

And then I saw him.


Two Flesh Raiders, and Bengel Morr.



Bengel threw my Master, and Master Din landed hard on the ground. He lay still, unmoving.
I couldn't sense him.

He was either unconscious, or dead.

I hoped, desperately, it was the former.

Bengel saw me. I tried to draw him out in conversation, but he was set in his decision.

He was going to sacrifice Master Din to concentrate power.

He was convinced the Sith cannot be defeated if the Jedi continue as we have. He was horrified that we surrendered to the Sith in the war... that we let them get away with the sack of Coruscant.

He seems to think he's had some special revelation of what the Jedi should be.

When he moved to kill Master Orgus, of course I intervened.

Somehow, I take out the Flesh Raiders.

And then, letting go of my fear, breathing in deep and entrusting myself to the Force, I fought my brother Padawan, Bengel Morr.

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