Saturday, November 12, 2016

Speculation: Who is the Leader of Iron Squadron?

Star Wars Rebels is taking another break; the next episode, “Iron Squadron,” will air on the 19th of this month.

The mystery: Who are the members of Iron Squadron? Here's a few options, some less likely than others.

Someone from Clone Wars

Could Petro have survived the youngling slaughter and Order 66? Remember, Lux Bonteri is Ahsoka's peer. He's a good seventeen years too old to match the voice we heard.

Someone from Legends

Tycho Celchu? Dave Filoni at Celebration Europe 2016 said that Dash Rendar will not make an appearance, despite the ship seen briefly in the Season 3 trailer. I know Tycho was originally Alderaanian, but if a version of him found its way into canon, there's no guarantee that would remain the case.

Someone from the Original Trilogy

So far in Rebels, the Alliance has collected Wedge and Hobbie. Janson and Porkins are still options. Whether they're likely candidates or not is for you to decide.

Someone We Haven't Met Yet

To be perfectly honest, this is the option I'm expecting. A new kid, a new crew, an old ship. But the option I like best of all, regardless of plausibility...

Jaybo Hood

Yep. The kid who reprogrammed all those Separatist droids in Clone Wars. Maybe a few of them still work, and they gave him the idea for the name. Also, we left him on a world surrounded by old, derelict ships. A kid that handy with repair and reprogramming skills might be able to figure out a way to cobble together an old freighter into something new. Also, having been trapped on Iego for so long, perhaps he decided to go see the stars... and ended up throwing his lot in with other young adults who needed help and a defense against the Empire. No, I don't think it super likely, but I would be delighted if our nameless voice turned out to be Jaybo.

Of course, there are a bazillion other options available, ranging from ehhh to absurd. Technically it could be Biggs, a young Corran Horn, Dash after all, Kyle Katarn, or Boba Fett. Did I make you choke on your coffee and scream at your phone in derision? My job is complete.

I'd be interested in your everything but the kitchen sink list, if you want to share it. You can either comment here or tweet me, I'm @StarWarsSyl.

May the Force be With You.

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