Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Reactions: Dark Side Secrets— Visions and Voices Preview

I don't know how many of you have seen this clip. It's on the official Star Wars youtube channel, and is a preview for the next episode of Rebels.

There are a couple of beautiful and amazing things about this.

Let's first, of course, take off our hats to Maul and Sam Witwer's performance. I cannot wait for more of that character. His mental instability is glorious.

Next, there's the fact that the darksaber makes an appearance. So. Awesome.

And... it's on Dathomir. I know, I know.

With those three things, how could I find something more? If those alone had been present, I'd be talking ninety-miles-an-hour nonstop and completely, absolutely delighted for this episode.

But the in-real-life Rebels team went above and beyond.

The blood-scrawled name Kenobi in Mando'a on the wall. The fact Maul kneels before it, surrounded by candles. Is that a personal ritual? Come home, kneel before that name, then make dinner?

What stole my breath and kicked my heart was that picture. Satine. The picture. Now stained, torn. From a distance, it looks like her eyes are bleeding black. Think of all of that wonderful black fluid that would spill from mouths and ears and noses in Teen Wolf, and now apply that to that painting. You know, that TV show has some wonderful visual elements. Moving on.

The music. Oh. Satine's theme is... so beautiful, all on its own. To include it here, warped? All it took was that first signature note, and my heart was in my throat. And from there I was completely lost. So beautiful.

And then the camera pans down and we see...

The weapon that killed her. On a stand. Beneath her portrait. Surrounded by candles.

Sweet mother of Palpatine.

The shrine he built, basically of her death— the knowledge that Kenobi will suffer from that as long as his heart beats...

He lives!”

Even if Obi-Wan and Satine are never mentioned in this episode...

This alone is enough. More than enough. I thought that moment of He Lives couldn't be trumped this season, even by Thrawn, who is absolutely spectacular.

I'm afraid this moment outdoes even He Lives.

Go ahead, tell me I'm crazy.

I'll just be here, kneeling at the weird shrine to Satine's death, and glorying in the fact that Maul learned Mando'a.


I hope Obi-Wan sees this place. Not this episode. But someday.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Rogue One: Tickets

Well, my family and I have joined the ever-increasing number of folks who now posses their tickets to go see Rogue One!

It's not for opening night— yes, yes, I know.

It's for the first showing in the morning on the release date.

My Christmas was made beautiful last year by my entire family agreeing to go watch The Force Awakens with me, for my first viewing of Episode VII. It was an unexpected gift.

However, my darling family consists of individuals who wake up early in the morning and work hard through the day. The thought of driving through bad weather in the evening wasn't appealing.

Since they were stepping out to meet me halfway, I decided the least I could do was travel the other half.

So other than one lonely person out front, waiting, we were at the front of the line. We stood there, bundled in the beautiful early morning, and talked Star Wars with folks who hadn't been able to make it the night before, for whatever reason.

We saw a bus filled with kids... then another... and another...

Headed for The Good Dinosaur.

Our line chatted about rumors, Clone Wars, Rebels, expectations, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, JJ Abrams, and Rogue One. Perfect strangers... strangers no longer.

Now? It's become a family tradition. My family's Christmas tradition. The morning of opening day, head of the line, all together; talking Star Wars with anyone who's interested.

The wait of several hours is a price I'm willing to pay to get to share that special first viewing with the people who love me most.

For those of you who haven't gotten your tickets yet, I wish you the best of luck; and for those of you who will be seeing Rogue One on opening night...

Go have the time of your lives, guys. We have a new movie again!

The Force will be with you. Always.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

SWTOR Words: Toons

I've been listening to SWTOR podcasts. A lot.

Fortunately, when I ran into our word, it was fairly easy to figure out what was being meant, because of the context.

The character being played.

However, I had no idea why that word was the one being used. So I googled it.

Some people thought its use came from the word cartoon. Others were certain it came from an MMO called Toontown.

To be perfectly honest, I feel no driving need to discover the “true” answer. And knowing language... it could have come from both.

My SWTOR vocabulary expands, a word at a time. Not very quickly, but it's happening.

The Force will be with you. Always.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Adventures of Eegan #3: More Than Reports

The Adventures of Eegan contain extensive spoilers for Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you intend to play the game yourself, you may not want to read these posts. If you're just interested in my adventures, mishaps, and how thoroughly I get involved in the role-playing aspect (very, very, very), and don't mind hearing the story in the process, welcome aboard.

You are entering the Eegan zone. From here on out, the word “I” means Eegan, a young female Zabrak Jedi Initiate.

I reported to the Council chamber.

I had spoken with Satele Shan a few times by then, but still my heart thundered. I know her from her exploits in the war. I've seen some of the things she accomplished.


This is a woman who took a lightsaber blade in her hand and held it away from her heart.

I expected to give my report, and to receive my next mission.

Oh, that happened.


They knighted me.

I stood there in stunned disbelief, trying to find something to say. Somehow, they thought me ready.

I want to live up to that belief.

Other things were discussed, in that meeting. Somehow. I'm not sure how.

The few Council members present felt strongly about Matriarch Ranna Tao'Ven's betrayal of Master Orgus and myself. While I could understand their concern Kalikori is right in our backyard, after all, and darkness is brewing I'd had experience with Ranna as a person.

She was bullied; and the bullies are... no longer an issue. I believe she has strength to lead her people, and I also believe she will gain the experience she currently lacks. She has a kind heart, and is open to being friends with the Jedi. I don't think this betrayal counters that.

On the contrary. Now she feels in our debt. I don't believe in widening the rift between Kalikori and Jedi. I believe she will be good for her people, and I believe that we can build friendship through her. We've already made great strides in that direction.

I pleaded for leniency.

The Council, thank the Force, listened.

But not all news was good.

Master Kiwiiks was present via holo. She reported that the darkness that we feel building did not originate with Bengel. Now that we have him in custody, it hasn't abated.

Instead... the menace is growing stronger.

Something is terribly wrong on Coruscant.


They sent me there to join Orgus Din in an investigation.

I'm going to work a mission alongside my former Master...

But as equals now.

Of course, he still has rank over me, but I'm a knight.

I want to bear my end of the weight well.

T7 asked to be allowed to accompany me. He was so sweet, so confident. He seems to think that if he and I work together, we can do anything. His surety inspires me, and he so often makes me laugh.

I was happy to add my voice to his...

And the Masters agreed to allow us to continue on together.

T7 + T7's Jedi = Happy Jedi.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Web Weaver Update: Weighing Impact

Today I did it.

I started working on the first draft for the second half of the Padawan of Fear duology.

If that sounds confusing, let me explain: Only Preparation is being posted chapter by chapter as I complete its third draft. I have no interest in leaving all of you high and dry when you reach the end of Only Preparation, which means I need to be working on Only the Force.

I tried out five different ideas for the opening scene. They took place in different locations, with different individuals, even different points in the timeline.

They didn't have the impact I wanted.

So... I combined two of them. Tossed in elements of the third. Shook it up. Changed dialogue to action and action from flowing prose to staccato.

I am pleased to announce that I am happy with the first two scenes of Only the Force. Oh, it will need refining, of course; but I'm pleased with the tone, and I hope you will be too.

May the Force be with you all!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Web Weaver Update: Enter if You Dare

I did dare.

Now I'm sitting in the center of something massive.

I write novels because I can't imagine a life where I don't. Because I need to write them. It's not a hobby, it's not an enjoyable pastime. It's a drive. I must write. It's not a compulsion coming from the outside. Telling stories through the written word is part of who I am in my deepest soul.

I write... a lot. I have yet to successfully write a stand-alone novel. The universes I dream up are just too big for one book, and each ends up becoming a series. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but knowing what I know about the ideas that flood my mind...

I really probably shouldn't have begun spinning “a” Star Wars fan story.

Or, at very least, I should have known it wasn't going to end there.

And now I'm here. Looking out at a maze that didn't seem quite so large when I was in the middle of crafting it.

This web was meant for me alone. I wove it in my spare moments, using it to relax and scheme and explore Star Wars the way I'm built. Similar to a musically inclined fan who might write songs about Star Wars... or an artist fan who might draw beautiful pictures... or a young film enthusiast fan might make a film to enter into the Star Wars Fan Film Awards contest.

I built my web, I angled it to catch dew and the moonlight, and I reveled in making connections—

And then someone who loves me saw it. And told me I should share it.

At first, I felt very possessive about the whole thing. I didn't make it for all of you, I made it for me. It was a retreat, something special, something self-contained—

But this person wouldn't give up. She was sure there were people out there who would enjoy it too.

Of course, by that point, the “novels” mapped out... let's just say they were roughly 100,000 words each and...

There's over ten of them. To put it mildly.

I am now editing them with all of you lovely people in mind (though I'm not changing them for you. Sorry. They be... what they be), and I will begin to post them on Archive of Our Own. (

Of course, just because I'm trying to bring all of you up to speed, by no means should suggest that I'm finished with said web.

No, no, no.

There are plenty of new dimensions I have yet to explore, connections to make, traps to weave. I continue to write.

It's my passion.

But now, I'm going to take you behind the scenes with me. Trust me. This thread of the web isn't sticky. You can walk on it safely.

I promise....

May the Force be with you.

We're all going to need it.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Realizations: Whose Parents?

The Force Awakens asked several questions whose answers will be revealed in due time. Episode VIII or IX time.

One of the biggest, of course, is: who are Rey's parents?

It's a question that has been beaten to absolute death, and still it keeps getting asked, because we want to know.

I saw this latest Rebels episode, “Imperial Commandos” on Sunday after it aired, watching it with my family. I was poised, ready for the answer to a different, but similar question...

...And it didn't come.

My question: who is Sabine's mom?

They teased. They danced around.

And they didn't say.

It was a rather crazy moment for me to realize that I could easily wait until Episode IX to find out who Rey's parents are, but I'm struggling to patiently wait to hear the answer about Sabine's.

Apparently, according to the flutters in my stomach, I'm far more wound up about Sabine's Mom than Rey's.

So tell me: does that make me some form of heretic? Because it almost feels like it.

Either way, I'm still rooting for Bo-Katan. Until they pry the option from my cold, undead hands. I will hold on to that hope like people hold on to their Snoke-is-Plagueis theory.

Want to share your theory of who Sabine's parents are? You can comment below or tweet me @StarWarsSyl.

The Force will be with us, always.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Adventures of Eegan #2: The Unexpected

The Adventures of Eegan contain extensive spoilers for Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you intend to play the game yourself, you may not want to read these posts. If you're just interested in my adventures, mishaps, and how thoroughly I get involved in the role-playing aspect (very, very, very), and don't mind hearing the story in the process, welcome aboard.

You are entering the Eegan zone. From here on out, the word “I” means Eegan, a young female Zabrak Jedi Initiate.

I conquered him.

I'm not sure how, but I did. He stood wounded and disarmed before me, staring at me with widening eyes.

I couldn't quite believe my ears when he, almost reverently, announced that I was what he'd been looking for. I was the one who could defeat the Sith.

He was completely serious.

He begged me to allow him to give me the power I would need to restore the Republic to its former glory. Not knowing what else to do, I knocked him out and tried to revive my Master.

He awoke, apparently none the worse for wear.

He took it all in at a glance, and his words of commendation warmed me to my soul. He lifted his fallen Padawan into his arms and set out to return to the Temple.

I didn't like to watch him go without medical attention, without backup... without me...
But he'd given me a new mission.

And now that he knew the lay of the board, Master Din wasn't likely to be caught off-guard again.

So I put trust in him, and turn back to the Forge.

Still overwhelmed from my fight and nearly losing my Master, I was confronted with a new surge of adrenaline.

My lightsaber.

My lightsaber.

Finally, I was allowed to build one.

I could hear the crystal singing to me, a sweet song for me and me alone. The crystal that lives for me.

I climbed the jagged stairs and stepped into the mountain.

The air was cool inside, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dimness.

The Forge responded to my presence. It knew I was there.

I spread the components before me, closed my eyes, and reached out to them with the Force. T7 waited beside me, patient and silent. Somehow, even in that sacred moment, he wasn't an intrusion. He seemed to understand this ritual had deep significance, and his respect for it and me felt alive.

Many sentient living beings wouldn't have treated me as well.

I think T7 is something more than one might expect. A droid, yes... but I'm not sure that negates his personhood. I certainly find myself thinking of him as a friend.

When I opened my eyes again, there it hung, suspended in the air before me.

Not what I had designed... but something I had envisioned already in my hands.

The extension of me that had always existed, but never had a chance to reach physicality before.

In awe, I took the saber in my hand. Its metal was cool against my fingers, and its weight felt good in my palm.

It felt right.
A caress of my thumb, and the blade lit the cave. Blue and cold as ice, yet with a burning kiss.

It's beautiful. I can say that without self aggrandizement. I didn't choose its shape, nor did I create its heart. No, the crystal guided the creation, just as the crystal chose me. Within seconds, the pulse of the saber's heart was as familiar to me as my own, and I couldn't quite understand how I'd functioned without it before.

If I lost the saber now, it would feel as though a part of me had been stolen away. An ache, a discomfort, an... unsettled disturbance, scratching at my soul until I was rejoined with my blade again.

The crystal and I had bonded.

I hadn't known what the Masters meant when they said this weapon is your life. It's a familiar mantra. I couldn't tell you the times I've heard it. Now I think I understand.

The crystals are... dare I say it... alive.

And now that mine has bonded to me...

Its existence and mine are intertwined.

This weapon... is... my life.

T7's squeal hit my ears almost simultaneously with a roar.

I spun around, heart in my throat, to discover a great beast moving to attack me. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I gripped my saber tight, the crystal harmonizing inside and around my soul, and I moved to fight.

I didn't want to kill it. It was a beautiful creature...

But it wouldn't allow me to leave the Forge alive, so I defended myself.

And then, racing past the corpses I had strewn about on my way through the pass to find Master Din, I headed for the Temple.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Adventures of Eegan #1: Hang On, Master

The Adventures of Eegan contain extensive spoilers for Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you intend to play the game yourself, you may not want to read these posts. If you're just interested in my adventures, mishaps, and how thoroughly I get involved in the role-playing aspect (very, very, very), and don't mind hearing the story in the process, welcome aboard.

You are entering the Eegan zone. From here on out, the word “I” means Eegan, a young female Zabrak Jedi Initiate.

I checked my maps and located the Forge that Ranna Tao'Ven spoke of.

The Twi'lek Matriarch of the village Kalikori had expressed sorrow at betraying my Master, Orgus Din, into the hands of his fallen former Padawan.

She said she hoped I could rescue him in time.

I followed the path, tangling with a few wild creatures, but other than that, I was left in peace. What peace I could find, that is.

I'd seen Bengel Morr only twice before— both times by hologram. The first was an image T7-01 had sneakily recorded during his incarceration, and the second...

The second, Bengel spoke to me, personally.

It's a little intimidating.
From the way the Jedi Council spoke, it's clear that Master Din was severely burned by his Padawan's death.

What they... thought... was his death.

He'd been there, at the Temple. When the Sith came.

When it burned.

They thought his corpse lay among the countless slaughtered.

Master Din had refused to take another Padawan since.

And yet he took me.

It filled me with gratitude, and quite a bit of trepidation.

And then he discovered Bengel isn't dead.

Instead, the Nautolan former Padawan is sending Flesh Raiders to kill Jedi. I could see that hurt Master Din. He was shocked, horrified.

He told me that Bengel was a kind soul. So gentle.

He couldn't understand what had been done to him.

I confess that knowing my Master's former apprentice was out there made me uneasy, and not just because he seemed to resent me for thwarting the Flesh Raiders' attempted depredations.

I think it may have to do with who I am.

Orgus Din's new Padawan.

And now Bengel Morr has our Master in his hands, at a place called the Forge.

I followed the map to a cave high up a cliff, beside a beautiful waterfall. The mist dampened my skin and robes as I passed.

Inside the cave, I discovered droids, like the ones I fought in Kaleth. I was thankful to have T7 with me. Not only does he help me heal, he takes out some of the enemies we encounter all on his own.

Seeing his bravery and self-sufficiency always fills my heart with pride.

Not long ago I rescued him from the Flesh Raiders. Now, he seems glued to my side.

I'm certainly not complaining.

And he says the most adorable things.

The cave led me to the other side of the mountain, a secluded area I doubt I could access any other way. It's beautiful, here.

And full of Flesh Raiders.

I fought my way through them, following the path, hoping it would lead me to my Master.

Was that too possessive a term? I knew Bengel also has a claim on him.

I tried to still the nervous churning in my gut.

Bengel had years of training that I didn't. He had a lightsaber.

I have a vibroblade.

Granted, it's a good blade, and has stood by me in countless contests against Flesh Raiders and guardian droids in the ruins of Kaleth.

Our home isn't as safe as one might expect. The epicenter of the Jedi Order has danger caressing its every shrine.

I've been careful to keep my armor in good shape, and I had T7.

I just wasn't sure it would be enough against Bengel.

Especially when he might have countless Flesh Raiders at his command.

I was there without backup. The other Jedi were busy fighting for their lives elsewhere.

I was on my own.

And then I saw it.

The Forge.

A long stair with no railing, broken and crumbling so it appeared to swerve crazily, leading up to an open doorway. Beautiful stonework, leading into the mountain.

Everything on Tython is beautiful.

And then I saw him.


Two Flesh Raiders, and Bengel Morr.



Bengel threw my Master, and Master Din landed hard on the ground. He lay still, unmoving.
I couldn't sense him.

He was either unconscious, or dead.

I hoped, desperately, it was the former.

Bengel saw me. I tried to draw him out in conversation, but he was set in his decision.

He was going to sacrifice Master Din to concentrate power.

He was convinced the Sith cannot be defeated if the Jedi continue as we have. He was horrified that we surrendered to the Sith in the war... that we let them get away with the sack of Coruscant.

He seems to think he's had some special revelation of what the Jedi should be.

When he moved to kill Master Orgus, of course I intervened.

Somehow, I take out the Flesh Raiders.

And then, letting go of my fear, breathing in deep and entrusting myself to the Force, I fought my brother Padawan, Bengel Morr.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Speculation: Who is the Leader of Iron Squadron?

Star Wars Rebels is taking another break; the next episode, “Iron Squadron,” will air on the 19th of this month.

The mystery: Who are the members of Iron Squadron? Here's a few options, some less likely than others.

Someone from Clone Wars

Could Petro have survived the youngling slaughter and Order 66? Remember, Lux Bonteri is Ahsoka's peer. He's a good seventeen years too old to match the voice we heard.

Someone from Legends

Tycho Celchu? Dave Filoni at Celebration Europe 2016 said that Dash Rendar will not make an appearance, despite the ship seen briefly in the Season 3 trailer. I know Tycho was originally Alderaanian, but if a version of him found its way into canon, there's no guarantee that would remain the case.

Someone from the Original Trilogy

So far in Rebels, the Alliance has collected Wedge and Hobbie. Janson and Porkins are still options. Whether they're likely candidates or not is for you to decide.

Someone We Haven't Met Yet

To be perfectly honest, this is the option I'm expecting. A new kid, a new crew, an old ship. But the option I like best of all, regardless of plausibility...

Jaybo Hood

Yep. The kid who reprogrammed all those Separatist droids in Clone Wars. Maybe a few of them still work, and they gave him the idea for the name. Also, we left him on a world surrounded by old, derelict ships. A kid that handy with repair and reprogramming skills might be able to figure out a way to cobble together an old freighter into something new. Also, having been trapped on Iego for so long, perhaps he decided to go see the stars... and ended up throwing his lot in with other young adults who needed help and a defense against the Empire. No, I don't think it super likely, but I would be delighted if our nameless voice turned out to be Jaybo.

Of course, there are a bazillion other options available, ranging from ehhh to absurd. Technically it could be Biggs, a young Corran Horn, Dash after all, Kyle Katarn, or Boba Fett. Did I make you choke on your coffee and scream at your phone in derision? My job is complete.

I'd be interested in your everything but the kitchen sink list, if you want to share it. You can either comment here or tweet me, I'm @StarWarsSyl.

May the Force be With You.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Adventures of Eegan: Explanation

Greetings, all.

I recently decided to take the plunge and get involved in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). I cannot tell you how excited I am to discover the stories tucked away in this game. To me, story is the most fascinating part of the Star Wars universe, and I want to explore every story that Star Wars holds. It's like collecting action figures or POPs or posters, but instead of something physical, it's in my mind.

I played Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) some time back. It was my first introduction to a role-playing game, and I fell in love with the idea of role-playing. I played it through as a male lead, and somehow fell in love with Bastila. Then I played it again, this time as a female lead, and— even though Carth drove me crazy the first time through the game— somehow fell for Carth as well. Even funnier, I didn't like Bastila that second time. At all.

The emotional investment is what draws me to role-playing games in the Star Wars universe. I am here simply to throw myself headfirst into it and be that person for a few hours. I let it take me on an emotional roller-coaster, and everything in the “real world” ceases to exist for a while. My overactive imagination picks up where the game itself leaves off, creating one big crazy alternate reality.

This is what I will be sharing with you. How it feels to be me, playing a role-playing game. Expect it to completely ignore Syl's reality, and replace it with Eegan's. That may be unnerving for some people, so consider yourselves warned. I am not in need of comments telling me I should see a doctor or reevaluate my grasp on reality. In these posts, I am intentionally suspending disbelief, and offering all of you the chance to do the same. It's not everybody's cup of tea; so if it bothers you, make like a stormtrooper in Mos Eisley and move along, move along.

I have maybe forty minutes to an hour each day to play SWTOR, and some days, not at all, so my progression through the story will be fairly slow. When Knights of the Eternal Throne comes out, I intend to play that immediately, perhaps putting Eegan's story on hold. I will probably do an “Adventures Of” segment for that character too... whoever that ends up being. I'm considering a male... maybe Mirialan... hm...

Adventures of Eegan” will be written from Eegan's point of view. Completely. When I say “I” or “me,” I will be meaning the character of Eegan: a young female Zabrak Jedi initiate. The idea to share this with all of you came to me a little late, so Eegan is a level 18 Jedi Guardian, who has already accomplished several missions.

As I go, I may decide to interject some “Syl” comments as well. I will find some way of formatting it to make the distinction clear. Perhaps a written version of the LARP option of placing a hand on your head while speaking out of character...

I am not very good at games, so don't expect much finesse from Eegan, or Syl, at the moment. I am enjoying the journey, and I'm happy to share it with you.

I have one more warning for you. While I intend to write “Adventures of Eegan” (and her Knights of the Eternal Throne counterpart) in first-person, I have not decided on present or past tense yet. I may switch between the two while searching for my voice. I do not often write in first-person, so this is new territory for me. Your lenience is much appreciated, trust me.

Also: If you are not playing SWTOR... well...

Maybe you'll change your mind.

See you in a cantina somewhere, a long time ago and far, far away, or at a Star Wars Celebration on Earth! Until then, you can follow me on Twitter @StarWarsSyl.

The Force will be with you. Always.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hasbro's Poll For the Next 6" Figure

That's right! Hasbro is once again asking the fans which action figure they should make next.

I thought I'd just drop a quick line here to let you know that the fansite Yoda's News ( is asking for your top-10 list instead of demanding you just pick one. 

If you haven't voted I would highly encourage that you do so. Just make sure you do it soon; there isn't much time left.

I voted "Duchess Satine (The Lawless)" as one of mine, and if you are at all a fan of that character from Clone Wars, I would encourage you to include her in your list of ten. Unlike many others people are suggesting, she hasn't even had a 3 3/4" figure, and it's high time an action figure of her existed.

Here are the rules:

  • All characters are fair game except from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  • Any characters from the Star Wars Rebels or Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series would be sculpted in the realistic style of the Star Wars: The Black Series line
  • To vote, you can only submit 1 vote per email address or social handle
  • The top six poll results from the site need to be submitted by Sunday, 7/10 at 11pm ET
  • Similar to last year, the final vote will be held on, and the winning figure will be revealed at the San Diego Comic Con Hasbro Star Wars panel
 I look forward to seeing what fandom decides!

May the Force be with you,



Doctor Aphra (Vader Comics)
Ciena Ree (Lost Stars)
Rae Sloane
Ima-Gun Di (Supply Lines)
Captain Keeli (Supply Lines)
Korkie (The Lawless)
Sugi (Bounty Hunters)
Senator Chuchi

Ventress (Dark Disciple Ball Gown or Bounty Hunter Attire. There are Sith Apprentice Ventresses.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Voice Acting Classes by James Arnold Taylor

So guys? I just discovered this: Day in the Life of a Voice-Actor: Building JAT Studios .

Near the end of the video, JAT explains he's considering teaching voice acting classes, and wants to know how much interest there would be.

In the unlikely event that my fellow Star Wars fans do not know who this man is, I'll explain. You've heard him in The Clone Wars as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Rako Hardeen, and many, many others. His career includes far more than Star Wars as well. Google him. Or go to his website: .

So. If you are interested in online classes taught by him, be sure to like the Youtube movie that I linked above and send him a comment either there or on Twitter (@JATactor) and tell him so. If there's enough responses, he may actually do it.

And people? That would be really awesome.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mando'a Quotes

I am in the process of learning Mando'a.

In the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU), Mandalorian culture and customs were explored in depth. All of that is Legends now, and no longer canon, but it still exists for fans to enjoy.

Part of that enjoyment for me is learning to speak the language created for the Mandalorians of the EU: Mando'a.

I made flashcards, and I'm working my way through them, focusing on accuracy, pronunciation, and spelling. In the process, I make up little sentences to demonstrate to myself familiarity with the meaning behind the word. (For example: "Me'suum'ika. In the EU, they dropped a me'suum'ika on Chewie's head." Oh. Spoiler alert.)

That gave me an idea. Instead of making up sentences, why not use ones already created?

I've taken that idea and extended it to Twitter. I'll be posting Star Wars quotes with words changed into the language of the Mandos. I will also post pronunciation helps, since Mando'a is not intuitive for the English speaker. Or... at least... not this English speaker.

I'm coming up with a list of quotes at the moment, and I'll be digging for more as we go. I hope you have as much fun with it as I do!

The Force will be with you, always.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thoughts on "The Important Thing" Rebels Season 3

-- Warning: Spoilers for Twilight of the Apprentice--

In Rebels Recon for Twilight of the Apprentice, Dave Filoni said something that has been rattling around in my brain ever since.

Of Rebels Season 3: "Something big is going to happen that I think people really, really want, and I know that I've wanted it for a while, and we've figured out a way to do it. It's a very important moment in Star Wars and an important moment for Star Wars fans. . . that is going to be something, and you are definitely going to hear more about that at Celebration coming up, because I'm going to talk about it specifically."

Something big, hm?

You know, if he'd said that before Twilight of the Apprentice, I would have said he was likely referring to the Ahsoka/Vader confrontation, or the return of Darth Maul. Of course, this is after.

What are some moments that would be very big?

Han winning the Falcon from Lando
It has been made clear that the creative minds behind Rebels don't want to steal the films' thunder. The TV shows are to support and expand, not replace. With a Han Solo Anthology film coming up, I doubt that Rebels would end up with this key moment of Star Wars history. Then again, I could very well be wrong.

The Discovery of the Death Star
Considering the trailer just released for Rogue One, the realization that there is a weapon that can blow up planets will probably be reserved for that, and our smaller band of Rebels are likely to find out after Rogue One's release. 

Vader vs. Maul
Personally, this is a fight I would be very interested to see. We saw Maul fighting Dooku in the Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir comic, and to be honest, between that and Clone Wars, I feel Maul to be the better swordsman/strategist/Sith overall. Call me a traitor if you must. What we haven't seen is Chosen One vs Maul. As far as Darth Maul's death is concerned, I would like it to come at Obi-Wan's hands... but Vader would certainly not be a shabby end to the tattooed Lord of the Sith. I can't help but wonder... was Maul lying or speaking the truth when he said he didn't think he could defeat Vader alone?

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what the reveal at Celebration could be. What are your ideas? Feel free to comment below or tweet me, I'm @StarWarsSyl.

May the Force be with you this week!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Rogue One Trailer

While I'm writing this, the official teaser trailer on's YouTube account has 300K likes, 14K dislikes, and 56,323 comments. Discussions, arguments, and predictions are all over social media, blogs, podcasts, and anywhere else  ideas can be shared. Everybody's got something to say, and that's not a bad thing at all.

However, as you know, Remember Clone Captain Keeli is not the place you go to for either critique or criticism. There are many awesome sites that offer all kinds of evaluations... but they're elsewhere. What I have to offer here is unashamed enthusiasm. Whatever Rogue One ends up being, it's Star Wars. It will be whatever the creative minds behind it want it to be, and that's exactly what I want to see.

Here's the list of my ten favorite moments from the trailer. Enjoy!

1.) The Rebel soldiers' helmets. They're large, have fun chin straps, and no face protection. They also remind me instantly of the beginning of A New Hope. Will we see the Antilles that Vader Force-choked on the Tantive IV, I wonder?

2.) The hangar that looks like it came straight out of Episode IV. How awesome is that?

3.) The glowing green tactical boards, round tactical table, and Mon Mothma. Wow. Talk about more Original Trilogy familiarity! Rogue One. Not me. Obviously. Since I don't know the technical names for said boards and table.

4.) Jyn hitting stormtroopers. Because anytime stormtroopers are getting it handed to them, it's cool. Sorry, 501st-ers.

5.) The Death Star reveal. This is my absolute favorite moment. The lighting, the giant firing dish... just the fact that she's there, in all her short-lived and deadly glory. It's no wonder Tarkin fell in love with her.

6.) The Imperial sirens. I love that sound.

7.) Orange-suited pilots.

8.) The character design for all the new people, especially the costumes. A few of them are tempting me to cosplay, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the sewing just yet.

9.) The white-caped Imperial. Just who is he, and where is he in the Navy's hierarchy? I can't wait to see the 501st costumes.

10.) The mysterious hooded figure with the two royal guards... who is the individual in the black cape?

So many questions, questions that need answering, to lightly quote Ahsoka Tano. Thankfully, we have less than a year to wait.

What did you like the best? I'd love to hear. Comment below or tweet me, I'm @StarWarsSyl.

The Force will be with you, always.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

My The Force Awakens Plans

Here I am. Sitting at the computer. Staring at the screen.

Wondering when my package is going to arrive.

I know it's supposed to get here before 8:00 PM, I know it's on the truck and out for delivery, I know I have a Rogue One trailer to examine until it gets here.


It's my copy of The Force Awakens, and it's not here... quite yet. So instead of staring out the window waiting for the special package to arrive, I'm going to share what I'm going to do once it gets here.

I considered simply watching it all the way through first. I mean, how could I not? The only problem is that I'm not sure I'm going to have the time this evening to watch it uninterrupted. Therefore, here is my revised plan based on my time-constraints.

1.) Squeal. Do a happy dance. Possibly some screaming.

2.) Taking the plastic off, gingerly and tenderly.

3.) Watch the deleted scenes.

4.) Watch Rey's Force-vision with subtitles two or three times. Then once again, pausing every half second or so to try to see everything.

5.) Knowing me, I may forget to turn it off... and will end up watching the rest in spite of everything.

After that, I'll be scheming to figure out how many of my friends I can watch it with. Believe it or not, some people haven't seen it yet. It's not cause for indignation, but intense pity. Think of what they've been missing out on since December...

Well, it's still not here, after writing this. I guess I'll start working on my analysis of the Rogue One trailer since I still have some time!

The Force will be with you, always.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Episodes III and VII and Luke Skywalker Dialogue

Back in late January, Benjamin Hart (@BenHartAttack) from the Star Wars Underworld posted to Twitter that he thought Luke Skywalker may have had more screen time in Revenge of the Sith than in The Force Awakens.

I had never given it any thought, but now that it was in front of me, I had to look into it. Especially since a new thought hit me. I was pretty sure... no, make that absolutely sure... that Luke had more lines in Revenge of the Sith than in The Force Awakens.

Out comes Ep III. Into the DVD player it goes.

My plan was to watch only the pieces that had Luke visibly present. The plan lasted until the confrontation on Mustafar, and then I couldn't help myself any longer. Yes, I sort of hit play. Confession: There was no "sort of" about it. I plumb forgot the plan.

I also almost forgot to pay attention to Luke dialogue. I actually had to rewind a bit once I remembered. Not to fear; once refocused on my task, I used a notebook and pencil to make sure I got the details absolutely correct.

Here is what I found:

Immediately upon birth, Luke Skywalker began his life-long habit of talking. Well... lifelong until The Force Awakens, that is.Whether he has quit speaking entirely is a question that we'll have to wait for Ep. VIII to settle.

Unfortunately, I couldn't understand a word of what Skyguy Junior said, and a translator droid was nowhere to be found. The good news is that I possess an overactive imagination, and have decided I have a pretty good idea as to what he was trying to communicate. Just remember: None of this is canon, so don't be surprised if Pablo Hidalgo gives you a funny look if you ever try to reference it.

Perhaps Luke was disappointed with what the world looked like. Maybe he realized that the midwife droid was terrifying. My favorite theory is that he was already anxious to find power converters, and this sure as Kessel wasn't Tosche Station.

Being a fairly even-tempered baby, he soon realized there was no sense in throwing a fit yet. After all, he just got here. Things might not be as bad as they looked. In the second part of his dialogue he delivers some very amicable cooing, friendly advice, and an introduction which everyone present ignores.

Of course, the poor kid was doomed to have a rotten first day. He'd known it ahead of time ("it's a Jedi trait"), and soon enough he was crying and trying very hard to smack Obi-Wan in the face. The only problem being Luke's arms weren't quite long enough.

If Luke had anything to say when he was given over to Beru Lars, I couldn't hear it. Maybe by that point he'd given up. It wasn't like anybody was listening to him anyway.

All we know for sure is that by the time The Force Awakens came out, Luke Skywalker had decided that when introduced at the very end of a movie, it's better to hold off saying anything.

Or maybe those other people on Twitter are right and he was just trying to find the right way to tell Rey, "You were supposed to bring the hand, not just the lightsaber."


Either way, may the Force be with you!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Quote Highlights: “This is Where the Fun Begins!”

While it’s no “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” our phrase is certainly used more than once. Spoken by such personages as Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, each time it’s used, it’s never about sitting down to watch a Mon Cal ballet in an opera house on Coruscant alongside the elite of the Republic or Empire… no offence to Mon Cal ballerinas.

It’s a phrase our heroes use as they’re headed into a challenge, or already in the midst of one. A challenge others might consider to be terrifying, or frustrating, or... anything but enjoyable. Yes, I’m looking at you, C-3PO.

In all seriousness, how often do we consider present or future challenges to be the beginning of fun, and how often do we see them as inconveniences or obstacles?

To quote James Arnold Taylor’s JAT 365:

“Don’t let frustration make the rules. Remind yourself regularly, if something is hard, it’s probably worth learning and enduring. You are becoming stronger!”

Thanks, voice of Obi-Wan!

 Next time I run into a challenge, will I say, “This is where the fun begins!”? Will you?

Feel free to comment below, or to tweet me. I’m Ima-Gun Syl, @StarWarsSyl

Saturday, January 23, 2016

First Episode of "We Can Do This, General"!

That's right! Rex and I have finally made the jump to hyperspace-- or, rather, podspace...

If you're interested in what we have to say about the Star Wars Rebels season 2 midseason trailer, have a listen!

May the Force be With You!