Saturday, July 29, 2017

Wild Speculation #38: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 2 Episode 5, Reunion

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I'm sure you look good in them.” —Gabe to Cat, right before his adorable facepalm.

We got to experience Tess tormenting Gabriel for his interest in Cat, and his apparent inability to conceal it very well.

As far as beasts, we seem to be getting a new one fairly routinely now.

Also: Zach knew V!

And the awesome ending, with Cat staring at a photo from her graduation and seeing a certain “FBI agent” in the background. “I think I just found my birth father.”

Looking forward to what she does about it!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Wild Speculation #37: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 2 Episode 4, Hothead

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I love the moment where Cat kicked that judge in the face. I also loved Gabe's reaction when he found out. “Trouble is getting a flat tire. You flattened a judge.”

So, the Beasts are now starting to feel less cookie cutter, and more X-Men. What other talents might there be out there?

Brother! Brother's son! Also: Firefighter Vincent!

And Gabe is in love. Very, very lost. I am enjoying this season so far.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Wild Speculation #36: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 12, House of Memories

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I've been unimpressed with Wynonna's self-control, but next to Willa, Wynonna looks incredibly disciplined! I'm waiting for disaster to strike in connection with Willa's unwillingness to work as a team or listen to anyone but herself.

There was a sweet moment where Dolls reminded Wynonna how their first days were rough, but “Now I wouldn't want to fight with anyone else by my side.” Aww!

The moment where that poor sap in the terrarium stabbed himself was quite horrifying, but turns morbidly funny when we see Doc is just as freaked out as the audience, and offers up a queasy, “Wonderful!”

The Lead is Willa. Definitely. I think that's what the swans signify— she's going to Lead them out, free as a bird.

I will not be happy if they let Haught die. I need Haught to survive this season.

And here we are. Wynonna is torn between both Dolls and Doc, and blast it, I can't make up my mind which pairing I want to actually be the endgame! But I am calling it right now, as a wild speculation: One of them dies by the end of this season.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wild Speculation #35: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 2 Episode 3, Liar, Liar

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I'm very unconvinced by Dad Boss. I think once the list is through, Vincent will be added to the list as a P.S.

Cat did not fall for Vincent's fake memory! I love this woman!

Maybe the line I found funniest: “Hi, Sebastian. And I thought I had Daddy issues.” —Cat

I loved the fight sequence on the elevator. Awesome.

Cat's apology to Heather was beautiful and perfect. “I miss you already— I've missed you for three months...” Whew. I am sorry this likely means we won't be seeing much of Heather for this season, I really, really like Heather.

See you next time!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Wild Speculation #34: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 2 Episode 2, Kidnapped

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

So I guess it is Vincent, after all. Ah, well. Brothers will be important eventually, I'll cling to that conspiracy theory until the last episode of the final season, and then sadly bid farewell to it as I move on.

Can we finally have Gabe be a goodguy? Not one who is helping because he needs to kill Vincent? Please let him be a hero now, I want Gabriel to be a hero...

Okay. Is a romance between Tess and JT in the works? Is that where we're going? Because that was not something I saw coming, though between Tess' dating woes and JT's, it's possible they've been setting this up all along... or not... but I'm thinking we might actually go this direction.

One last question. Just how many creatures are there?

Gothic Literature Explorations: Wuthering Heights Chapters 1-3

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for these chapters.

I am definitely enjoying the tone of this story, though I confess I had some trouble in the first chapter stemming from the fact that it has been a long time since I steeped myself in a book this old, and my brain kept snickering at all the potential innuendos scattered throughout the pages.

Once I managed to reset my perspective, the texture of the story began to feel like a welcome home.

While I have never read Wuthering Heights before, my preteen and early teenage years were filled with many an 1800s novel. It's been some time since I last read anything of that nature, and I'm discovering that I've missed the opulence and flair of the words used in that time period.

The main character's sudden need to be sociable appears to be a direct response to someone else not wanting to be so, which makes me think our “hero” is not being sociable at all, but a bit of a jerk, just to bother the other guy. Which is hilarious, and also makes me quite glad I know neither of them in real life.

I know nothing about this storyline, so this will be a brand-new experience for me.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Wild Speculation #33: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 2 Episode 1, Who Am I

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Uh.... wow!

Gabriel is alive, after that impressive riddling of his body with bullets. I'm quite surprised, but I'm also thrilled, because that means we get to have a deeper exploration of his character! Specifically, how he behaves/what he values now that he's alive, and not threatened with permanent insanity.

The instant they said Vincent's scar was gone, I guessed this man was his brother, which would be why the face scan wasn't a full match. Looks very similar, but not the same person.

Anyway. That's my wild speculation. It's not Vincent.

Overall Impressions: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for the episodes in this season, and any season that may come before it.


Enjoyment factor. How much fun did I have watching this season of Beauty and the Beast?

There were some shining moments of goodguys being smart for once in this season that I cheered for. And Evan. Oh, Evan, Evan, Evan. His final moments on this season were beautiful, and I would not have asked for anything more from him.


Fandom factor. How dedicated am I to these characters?

Gabriel ended up having more depth to his character than I anticipated, and I certainly enjoyed his struggle, and his fear of losing himself completely— to the point where he believed suicide to be an option over permanently becoming the mindless Beast. There was a desperation and believably to his fight to live that I could respect.

I liked Tess right from the start, and that hasn't changed after a season with her. Heather is adorable and sweet, and I wish Cat wouldn't get so caught up in Emergencies, Trademark, to the point where her sister is ignored and no longer deemed important. I'd like to see Cat learn to both save Vincent and cherish her sister too.

If you've been following along my episode-by-episode immediate reactions, you already know how much I like Evan. The man... yes. Definitely my favorite character of season 1.

I really like Cat, which is unusual for me. Usually I dislike the “main” female lead, and end up gravitating towards one of the side characters instead. But... I really like Cat.

How dedicated am I to this plot?

I'm certainly alright with it. On the run from a Big Murky Organization certainly gave context to these people.

How dedicated am I to this world?

Do I want to write fan fiction set in this universe? I don't think I'm ready to quite label myself a Beauty and the Beast fan (what are they called, anyway?), but if they continue on as they have, it might happen. I'm already toying with the idea of writing an Evan story about what he was thinking in the last moments of his final episode.


Representation factor. Did I feel at home and with friends, or did I get pulled out of the experience by not seeing my world mirrored back?

Gender & Sexual Orientation. Cat. A cop who can both interrogate, hunt down a perp, soundly best him in a hand-to-hand fight, and give a little victory dance at a baseball game. She is an amazing fighter, a smart goodguy (quite the feat in today's story writing climate), a kind person, and a loving sister. I love the fact that she has a partner who is also a lady. Cat and Tess are an awesome team, and they get the job done. However, there are no recurring characters that do not appear to be heterosexual. I certainly saw no clearly asexual characters, or clearly aromantic characters. Lots of talk about romance and sex, however, so allosexual heterosexual people were firmly represented... and if there are any nonbinary genders involved, the audience is not told.

Appearance. We have some characters of color, our heroine and her sister, and her partner. This is awesome. We also have the boss, and I'm not sure what to make of him as a person yet, and Gabriel. Whose chapter, sadly, is closed. Almost all of the recurring characters are “slender,” to quote the X-Wing books, with only the exception of JT... the glasses-wearing geek. Who also, at the beginning of this season, was presented as girlfriend-challenged. Which leads us straight into...

Subculture. We have one geek. His appearance is rather standard for a geek in the media. I still don't know if I'm comfortable with that or not. We have no recurring character as part of an alternative subculture— and I can't tell whether I'm sad by this, or relieved, because it means I'm not having to watch another Goth stereotype. Ah, well.

Faith. Don't really know. I do hope that if they decide to touch on the faith aspect, it won't only be in conjunction with a serial-killing pastor. Looking at you, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and so many other franchises. I'd like to see individuals of various faiths represented in a respectful, reasonable way.

Invisible Illnesses/“Disabilities.” I can't think of any, off the top of my head. Guess that answers that question. Nothing memorable. Though I did have a bonding moment over Vincent's struggle searching for a cure and could relate to that, the relatability for me was just that one episode, and the rest have felt too superhero Hulk instead of Hero-Fighting-Function-Crippling-Disease.

Let's recap: what did they do well? Our hero is an amazing person. She has an awesome partner. These things are good. Should the TV show be thrown out because it doesn't mirror the reality of human experience? No. When you go to write a TV show, would I appreciate it if you tried to let us see people like us on screen? Yes.


Stand-out moments or quotes.

Evan's decision to help, and all that follows for his character. His death was beautiful and poignant. Probably my favorite sequence of season one, because of the selfless love it demonstrated. He loved Cat, and even though he'd been given the short end of the stick and was going to die because of it, he didn't resent that. Instead, he chose to make every last second count to try to give Cat a chance to live the life of her dreams with Vincent.

Also: when Vincent said, “We can never get married,” and Cat's reply was, there's a lot of people in this country who can't get married.



I highly enjoyed the experience of this first season. Will I watch it again? Because of Evan, I think there's a good chance I might. I will definitely be watching his final episode again, whether I go through the others at that time or not, because it's the kind of hero exit that I really appreciate.

Am I ready to cosplay as any of these characters? Not yet, but we definitely might get there. Fan art of Evan is a definite possibility. Do I look forward to season 2? It's definitely not going to be a chore.

And that concludes this in-depth look at how I felt about Beauty and the Beast Season One!

Wild Speculation #32: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 11, Landslide

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

My goodness is Willa a thorny predicament!

Why did Bobo save Willa? And why did it rock Willa so much that she abandoned her bloodthirst to save Bobo to find out who he was?

Who kidnapped Doc?!

Waverly gave her first indication to Wynonna that she's interested in what might attract ladies... a certain lady in particular... and I've almost completely decided that Haught is not a badguy, but is a legit part of the team. Now I just want her completely in the know about revenants, so she can help, because do I think she can help! The woman's awesome.

I was sure the end-game romance was supposed to be Wynonna and Dolls... but I'm beginning to seriously wonder if it's Doc. Yes... it might be Doc. Though he might die to save her, allowing both options to be used at different times without a breakup. Hmm.

We're getting close to the end of the season! I should probably look it up, to see if it ended up continued for another season, or if this is it...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Celebration Orlando 2017 Scrapbook Part 1

Hey, guys!

I'm one of those people who has a mother who meticulously scrapbooked her children's lives. It's something I used to take for granted, having the ability to go back and relive adventures from my past.

Now that I live on my own, if I want such a record, I'm going to have to do it myself. I confess to being a bit intimidated, but I'm also determined. This thing isn't going to be a work of art, but it's going to have snapshots of a very wonderful time in my life, and as long as it's accessible to me, that's what counts.

It was a laborious process to go through all the pictures we took at Celebration to try to determine which ones I want to include in my book, but it was also highly enjoyable. So many amazing memories are linked to those pictures.

Yesterday I printed out the photos I want to include (a tiny fraction of those actually taken), and today I sorted them by day.

For me, the journey to Celebration began long before we got on a plane. 

Wild Speculation #31: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 10, She Wouldn't Be Gone

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

The title was certainly ominous. I was grateful it didn't end up referring to Haught or Waverly.

I loved the sequence with Doc with a sledgehammer, and the pink car. What else is there to do with it? And Waverly's reply, “You could learn to drive.”

Awesome. Yes.

I'm beginning to ask the question of just how much does Wynonna Earp mean to Doc Holliday. I hadn't assumed he was desirous of an actual romance with her, but I'm starting to wonder if he is.

There was an interesting and curious statement made by Lou of Bobo: “Finally figured out his fur coat won't protect him?”

Is that why Bobo wears the coat all the time even though it's got to be stifling in there? As a Goth, I completely understand wearing finery beneath a blazing sun and suffering for it, but fur seemed like an awful price to pay for a look. Does it protect him, or is Lou right, and it's pointless? That might amusing, actually...

Eve is Willa. What. And what is this going to mean for Wynonna and Waverly?

And... how did Willa end up with Lou anyway? Did Lou steal her away from the revenants who had her as some sort of trophy? Look, I have the Heir, and she's completely loyal and obedient to me? I'm kind of sorry Lou is no longer in a position to explain anything.

Wild Speculation #30: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 22, Never Turn Back

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

The finale is here!

I have to say this first. I just do. I love the castle. Wow.

One of the notes that I took while watching the episode just reads like this: Sheesh— there goes Tyler. This show's getting serious!

I ended up feeling sorry for Gabriel even while disagreeing with just about everything he did this episode. His motivation: survival, he just wants to live, makes him a deeper character for me than if he was after revenge, which is what I originally thought his motivation was. I am delighted to have been proven wrong, and I've come to really like Gabriel as a character. And his castle. I love his castle. Whew.

I've heard Timothy Zahn talk about how there can be a difference between the villain and the antagonist of a story, and in this story, Gabriel is definitely no villain.

More notes written during watching:

New players. Who?

Not Cat's dad! He's not Cat's dad?! [Who then?]

Wait, don't shoot, she's my daughter”?! WHAT?! Do we even know this dude's name?!

Yep. That one took me completely by surprise, even after realizing Dad isn't Dad. And I'm glad I didn't see it coming, because the moment of sheer whuuuuu? (hear it in a Minion voice) was fun for me.

And that wraps up Beauty and the Beast season one! I'm going to post an overview of what I thought about this season. See you again soon!

Wild Speculation #29: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 21, Date Night

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Sorry, it's just my brain went to Breaking Dawn Part Two.”— Tess.

Oh, my Force, yes. I wasn't expecting a non-slur Twilight reference, so that was a surprise that left me smiling. Twilight-bashing is a fad, and it's become a bit of a broken record, as far as I'm concerned. It's like when I hear people mocking me for loving the Prequels, or see someone else picking on a kid for liking Winnie-the-Pooh.

In this episode, Gabriel revealed himself to Cat. Ta-da! Now there's two of them! I'll admit, in my speculation as for what Gabriel might be, Beast was not on the list until we saw the glowy eyes last episode. Nice twist.

Twelve hours until I turn back into a pumpkin.” An absolutely adorable statement to come out of Vincent's mouth, unexpected and delightful.

Also in this episode, we get to have a closer look at Vincent's battle between self-loathing and self-acceptance, learn he spent ten years searching for a cure, not enjoying the moments along the way because he was too focused on the destination.

I have battled Lyme Disease for most of my life. I rarely see myself represented in media: individuals assailed by an “Invisible” disease that impacts every aspect of their daily lives. It's very rare to have a protagonist with this kind of struggle, and to be honest, when all the heroes on screen are healthy... it's harder to respect my own body's struggle, because it feels like I should be healthy. I should be able to do the things these heroes do.

A cure can be defined as something that works for everyone, and works all the time. Right now, the treatments for chronic Lyme are experimental at best, and while some things work for some people, it doesn't work for everyone, and the reasons why are still being unearthed.

Each time I try something new, I lose a little more hope that we'll find something that works for me. Something that lasts, so that I don't relapse after a few years of apparent health.

Cat's final conclusion was beautiful. To live in the moment, to seize what joys there are to be gained now, and keep open for options of healing in the future... but not to put life on hold for a cure that may not come in our lifetimes. Be willing to try, but don't expect life to start after a cure date.

That's been my struggle. My current life doesn't feel real because I'm not well yet, and once I'm well, then I can really start living. It's only in recent months I've determined I can't keep living in that hell. I have to live now. And yes, my battle means sometimes I have to spend internal resources on simply surviving instead of the exciting things others take for granted (walking... consistent mental math... the ability to drive a car without excruciating agony), but there are still wonderful things here and now. And I'm not going to ignore them anymore.

The Lyme I fight every second of every day doesn't give me superstrength or gorgeous glowing eyes, but the principle is the same. Keep trying to find a way out, and if it doesn't work, it's okay, but just keep trying, and don't let it rob you of the present.

Cat's words: “I don't need you to be cured. I just need you to not give up.”

Lyme isn't the only Invisible Disease (a disease that is easy to forget a friend has if you aren't experiencing that battle every day yourself, one that by looking at them you wouldn't know they have). Our struggle is real. The fact people forget and expect us to accomplish the same physical or emotional feats as others can make us feel forgotten.

I'm going to take my leave of you with just one more quote that I highly enjoyed.

Vincent said, speaking of Gabriel, “He's not bad for a suit.”

Cat's reply? “And so begins a very unique bromance.”

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Wild Speculation #28: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 9, Bury Me With My Guns On

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

A witch with a machine gun. That's not something you see every day.

We had some wonderful building on just what Doc's past is. “How many Earps can you fail in one lifetime?” “I went after what Wyatt loved most: his best friend.” “When he learned of our deal his heart broke in two.”

Ratcheting up the angst of the past, and I'm loving every second of it!

And then, after hounding Doc for the fact he was used to take out Wyatt, the fact he failed his best friend, after all of that and he's in pain, he gets hit with, “All these years you thought it was personal, but it's always been about the alpha dog,” subtly shifting the focus from the fact that he was important to Wyatt to now Doc having no importance at all.


Looking forward to more!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Wild Speculation #27: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 20, Anniversary

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

There were moments in the first episode (quite a while back, now) when the cadence of Vincent's dialogue and its delivery reminded me of Edward Cullen. I felt the kinship very heavily again this episode, with Vincent watching Cat as she sleeps. But you have to realize, coming from me, that's not actually an insult. I'm not a Twilight-hater. Twilight Hate is a fad that I'm thankful did not bite me.

I liked the concept of a Celestial Birthday.

The instant the cracked tombstone was pointed out by Gabriel, I guessed that was going to be important later, though I confess I'm still a little confused as to the details.

I was a little disturbed by one line... Tess says, “Guys are possessive,” as if it's inconvenient but unavoidable.

This episode actually made me doubt Cat's mom's death! I expected them to find her at that little spooky house. Well, I mean, they did, but... you know.

Here it's stated that Vincent's brothers' bodies were never recovered. I'm telling you, I still think that's going to be used later. My wild speculating continues: somebody isn't dead. And the misdirection of this episode was nice, because we were so focused on Cat's mom that nobody's looking at Vincent's missing brothers...

I loved that Cat saw the horror connection. She's seen this kark in movies, she knows better than to go in that house without preparation, so she tries to call for backup. Smart. Smart. Smart! I love a smart goodguy.

So. Elephant in the room. Gabriel's eyes glowing. Yep. Oh, yes. Also... he has some scary-butt cell phone that can get reception where there isn't any. Watch out for that superpower, might cause big problems later.

But hey— at least we now know what Patty is doing when she's not in Central City. I really liked Patty and Barry together, but if this is what she's doing on weekends... maybe he really should stick with Iris.

Wild Speculation #26: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 8, Two-Faced Jack

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Oh. My. Force.

Poor Haught! She was really put through the wringer on this one! I'm still afraid she'll turn out to be a badguy, but I really, really want her to be a goodguy. So badly.

We got to have a few more of the boxes on the Horror List checked off, I fully expect we will have hit them all by the time we're through.

I can't quite figure Doc Holliday out. After all, he's still on assignment from Bobo to win Wynonna's trust. He's definitely got Waverly's. And Wynonna is definitely coming around. I can't tell if he believes he's running Bobo's errand, or if he's pretending that unfortunate conversation never existed...

But eventually Bobo's going to demand results. And then Doc is either going to be revealed as a very skilled player, who never once cared....

Or it was a sham to begin with, but Waverly's openhearted hugs softened his heart...

Or he never intended on following Bobo's instructions, but now, with the metaphorical gun to his head, he decides it's time to cut his losses and throw the girls to the wolves.

Also. The Witch's sons? The ones with teeth, who are “more” than human? Are we talking half demon? And will they be the opportunity to bring in a vampire-esque element, because right now, that's unclaimed on our horror checklist.

Also... Waverly's connected to one of them. I'm just waiting for that to become interesting. Voices whispering in her head? Visions? Tiny moments of possession? I think any of those three are likely.

Episode nine, here we come...

Wild Speculation #25: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 19, Playing With Fire

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

In this episode, we finally get a peak into the ADA's backstory!

Holy Sith, that poor kid! They are definitely making Gabriel Lowan a layered character who I'm feeling sorry for. Dear Force, what a terrible childhood.

On the bright side, Calcutta, not Afghanistan. I'm cheering!

Also, given the fact I watch Teen Wolf— the fact they labeled little Gabriel as Chimera 5 was delightful. And yes. When I finally have access to the final season of Teen Wolf, I will absolutely blog about it. I'm also considering rewatching the first season of the new Doctor Who...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wild Speculation #24: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 18, Heart of Darkness

Greetings, all, I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

My initial guess was that the Panic Button had a tracker in it, and while it might be a panic button, its main function was to follow Evan to try to uncover just how he gets his information.

I let out an audible, “Wow,” when we were offered a view of moving severed body parts in the Muirfield facility. That's something I've come to expect from Wynonna Earp, but I was surprised to see it here. Definitely offered a feeling of intensity to this episode.

I took notes as I watched this, and here they are, in the order in which they took place.

- Poor Evan is coming completely unraveled. (First note I took post panic button)

- Clear he's in deep and knows enough to be taken out, but Evan's biggest concern in that moment? “I don't know if I can save her.”

- He's not typing an SOS. I'm convinced it's a confession.

And then came the scene. As it began to approach, I began to get nervous, worried that they wouldn't follow through. That Evan would somehow escape, that it would all be a false alarm.

If I can help you and him get out of here alive, I'll be really protecting you. It'd be the best thing I've done in my entire life. The point of it, really.”

Oh, the Sydney Carton chills running down my back!

The kiss to her cheek... the moment he leaves her side, and she doesn't even notice...

He holds out his arms....

And accepts death.

It was beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking, his sacrifice, and Vincent and Cat's escape—

I was so wrong. I thought Evan was here simply for Cat to think she's in love with for a time just so she could return to Vincent. That didn't happen at all. I thought Evan was only here to be a rival for Vincent, but no.

His story is tragic, beautiful, I loved his arc, and he is definitely my favorite character of Season 1. And I am so glad they chose to let him have such a touching death.

He saved them. He thought it worth it.

This is definitely my favorite episode so far.

Wild Speculation #23: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 17, Partners in Crime

Can you guess at which part I utterly freaked out? Yes. The moment Vincent says he had two brothers!

I am delighted that Tess and Cat are working things out, because I really like that friendship, and I've been missing it.

I am concerned that our ADA's mom died in Afghanistan when Vincent went nuts on that village. After all, he seems to absolutely hate the Creature, he's very traumatized about his mother's death, was trying to find common ground with Cat about it, said she died when he was much younger... so it had to have happened before the whole Saved Cat The First Time thing... but I hope I'm wrong. I'd prefer a different backstory for our ADA.

And now Evan absolutely knows. Absolutely. And I feel so sorry for him. Sorry, Evan! You're not Beast, so you don't get to love Beauty! Take heart, though, Evan, I'm sure I can't be the only viewer who's been voting for you the whole time.

Wild Speculation #22: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 7, Walkin' After Midnight

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Ah-ha! Dolls is finally starting to openly flirt with Wynonna. He also gets hauled in by Black Badge for an accounting.

When Waverly stuck the scissors in the back of her skirt, I was wondering if she was going to need to use them as a weapon later.

This episode had some awesome lines, but I think my favorite is Wynonna's response to the unintended jump-scare: “Dude! This is a morgue! Wear a bell or something!”

Once again this show manages to hit a mark that has one foot planted firmly in horror, and the other in sheer hilarity. Wynonna's face when she yelps into the phone, what do you mean you killed a stripper?! And Doc's helpful suggestion against the zombies: “Dynamite solves all manner of problems.”

On a more serious note, Waverly's question to Doc why would she give you immortality only to throw you down a well is a very good question and I'd like to know the answer.

Stone Witch, she's just another bully.” —Waverly. I love how she carries the skull with her fingers in the eye sockets.

Because he was loved by Wyatt Earp, and Wyatt Earp slaughtered my sons.” The sons not being human... “something more...” Waverly's dry, “Well, that explains the overbite.”

That ending was something else! Wow. I really liked that. I really hope Officer Haught is okay, because I want to see her relationship with Waverly actually go somewhere.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wild Speculation #21: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 16, Insatiable

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I really like Cat's scar, left over from being shot a few episodes ago. I'd actually totally forgotten about that wounding until I saw the scar.

Evan tested Cat's scarf. He tested her scarf.

Catherine, all I want is your honesty.” We ended up with a fight about said testing of scarf. “When did we stop believing each other?” “All I've ever done was to protect you.” “You want me to believe that going behind my back, stealing my personal belongings is because of having my back?”

Uhh... sweetheart, you did it to Heather over the photo of Vincent and expected Heather to just trust you. Just sayin'.

I think it's terribly sad. Cat has given Evan very few options, and now she has the gall to be angry with him for walking through the door she held open.

So Evan knows you're connected to Vincent?” I was mildly surprised that any of them were surprised by this “news.” Then again, they've not been paying attention. I thought he gave clear signs of knowing straight to Cat's face back when Heather was kidnapped. Ah, well. These three have powerful wishful-thinking fantasies.

And apparently the ADA killed the carriage driver? Just what is his stake in all of this? I confess to having no theories. Yet. I'll come up with something ridiculous here soon!

Wild Speculation #20: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 6, Constant Cravings

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Amusing moment at the beginning of Wynonna telling herself to use the Force to try to procure the gun just out of reach.

So. What's with the trembling in Dolls' hands? Junkie or he's sick, or he's a revenant? Under duress, Dolls'... nature?... started being revealed. And Mama Olive had this to say about him: “There's something wrong with you. You're spoiled.” I love the way his pupils turned at the end. I wouldn't mind having contacts in that shape.

And we got to have a drill to a head, a creepy farmhouse in the middle of nowhere with a meat cleaver and cannibal. And severed body parts. And a mouth stretched too far to be human. The restaurant owner being a cannibal so everyone can start feeling ill about ever having eaten there. Went marching right down the horror to-do checklist.

The riddle: my beautiful mug. My guess was that it meant his face. As for who the skull is... I have no guesses.

Some amusing quotes: “It's a real dead guy” and “Did I just marry a skull?”

I am thrilled that Waverly dumped Champ! I also loved the moment when Wynonna tried to holster Peacemaker, only the gun caught and it took her a moment to get it right.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wild Speculation #19: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 15, Any Means Possible

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

We received some interesting hints about Vincent's backstory in this episode. Anybody else sit up and take notice when he said, “Let's leave it at I know how these guys operate”?

Does he, now? Interesting.

Our investigator's hand shaking after he spoke to Cat about their mothers' murders? I am very curious to see where this guy has come from and where he's going. There's already so many questions to ask about him, and I think he's going to end up being an interesting piece of this puzzle.

I love the eye decorations Cat wore to the masquerade. I wouldn't mind wearing something similar day to day.

I thought for sure Cat was going to get caught during the whole “Let's plant evidence” routine. I was absolutely stunned when she didn't.

And... did the ADA kill the crime boss? Because holy Sith, we're in trouble now.

There was one final surprise for me in this episode, I did not expect the investigation to end the way it did! Yes, they were ferreting out bent cops, but they were doing it to compile them into one team to get revenge, not expose them. Wow. I loved the bizarre twist, and I can't wait to see how Cat tries to navigate this mess. It will all fall apart just in time for the season finale, of course.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Wild Speculation #18: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 5, Digging Up Bones

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

The opening dream sequence was shot in such a beautiful way.

Let me do things my way!”— Wynonna “Your way isn't working! You think I don't get worked up over these bastards same as you?”—Dolls

Interesting. That Bobo could yank the gun from Wynonna's hand without touching it. A Force-sensitive revenant, eh? Still burned him, though. I do wonder what it all means...

And then Miss Stone coming to rescue him? Well, I did think the Stone Witch would be a little more difficult to ID, but hey! The Imaginary Friend's name is actually Bobo, so some parts of this life are actually fairly straightforward.

Oh, the look on Doc's face when Fish tells Wynonna they have to break into the basement of the police station? Priceless!

Fish and Levi's story was touching. “You're going to be the one to break this curse. For all of us. And I thank you, Wynonna.”

I may have found my current favorite character: Ambrose Fish. I like Wynonna, I love Waverly, I don't know about Doc, I'm on the fence about Dolls, but I think I unequivocally like Fish.

Given his reasonable fear for Levi, I was sure he would fall apart when he saw what had happened to his love. But he was so tender, so selfless in that moment, so brave. It was beautiful. And I love that it shook Wynonna to the core.

Speaking of shaken: what's interesting is that Ms. Stone is afraid of Doc. I wonder why, because she completely beat him when they met in this episode. Also, the dark— apparently Doc was at the base of that well for a hundred years. Ouch.

I can't fill up on revenge. I need some peace, for me, for my sister.”—Wynonna “As long as we're pulling in the same direction. Roughly.”—Dolls

And then we got the picture from the intro of the guy hanging upside-down by his feet, and Dolls saying he feels like he's seen it before. My first question was if he was a revenant, but then we saw the same photo with the caption, “The death of Josiah Earp” in the judge's office.

Now I was under the impression it was obvious the judge was working for the revenants, but they set that up as if it was a reveal, so maybe I jumped to that conclusion too early? Anyway. Judge is a badguy, Judge sold them out to Bobo, Judge is probably more under Stone's influence than we know.

First Episode: The Sith List #47

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Do podcasts have spoilers?

I heard about the Sith List on the July 7th 2017 Star Wars Underworld podcast. Dominic mentioned he was a guest on the Sith List and there explained his Twitter handle's meaning.

Given the fact that podcasts don't have subtitles (yet...) and my ears don't always catch things correctly, I wasn't sure if it was “Sith List” or “Sithless.” As in, Scared Sithless. A quick internet search led me to the accurate title.

I enjoyed listening; they seem like fun guys. Given I am not a Transformers fan because that wasn't part of my childhood, and the current movies just aren't my cup of tea, I found their discussion about said Transformers movies/toys/old shows interesting.

My only warning would be that some of the language usage is not family friendly. If you have small ears near, or would prefer to avoid f-bombs, you might want to look somewhere else.

All in all, I will probably listen to more of their content in the future. May the Force be with them and their viewers!

Wild Speculation #17: Supergirl Season 1 Episode 10, Childish Things

Hi, all! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I have been watching this TV show slowly, whenever my brother and I can manage to be in the same place with a little time to spend. I think that makes it an intermittent tradition? Anyway.

At the beginning of the episode I was convinced that by the end, Hank Henshaw would have come out as a Martian. That... didn't exactly happen. On the other hand, the instant the TV started going on about the escaped villain, my thought was, “Winn's Dad.” That was correct.

The moment Winn said to Agent Chase, “There's something I have to tell you,” I cheered. I love it whenever characters do something smart.

Speaking of likes: I really like Hank Henshaw. I have from the very first episode, and I am absolutely delighted with the direction he's headed right now. I also really like Winn. So much. And Kara and Alex. Heck, I even like Cat, and I can't really figure out why. I should hate that woman, but for some reason I really like her. Very confusing.

I was a bit puzzled as to why James was so nervous. The only thing I could figure was that he'd be worried Ms Ex Military would notice the way he disappears for long moments during the workday in conjunction with a certain Winn and Kara.

Next: What is Doctor Cullen (sorry, Maxwell Lord) up to? Is he trying to make an alien, or is the girl already one? I... I don't know. I'm dithering between wildly speculating that this is his sister, and he's trying to cure her of something, or this is his sister and he's trying to turn her into something, or this is an alien, and he's trying to figure out how to turn himself into something...

My filmmaker brother guessed at the very beginning of this episode that this was when Kara would begin to fall for Winn. I was completely surprised by this guess, but he turned out right: Something big does shift in their relationship. Personally, I'm much more interested in seeing a Kara & Winn romance than I am in Kara & James... but... we'll see.

I absolutely love the Danvers girls together. Love it.

During the early parts of this episode I was trying to figure out whether I like or dislike Maxwell Lord as a person. It's something I've been unable to figure out throughout this series so far.

By the end of this episode, I'd figured it out.

I really, really dislike Maxwell Lord. Thank goodness he's not a real person.

First Time Through: Star Wars Volume 1, Skywalker Strikes

Hi everyone, I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for the specified comic book volume, and also for Vader Volume 1. (The original Vader. The one with Doctor Aphra.)

Reading about Han, Luke, and Leia is not my cup of tea, so I confess I put off reading this for a long time, even though I could procure it from my library.

I finally decided I needed to know this stuff for my story writing, so to make it less painful I took a trip back to my family home and while my Mother was busy baking cookies, I read it out loud to her.

I was aware ahead of time of, shall we say... the moment. You know. George Lucas told Marvel originally Luke was not allowed to meet Vader in combat face-to-face before Empire Strikes Back, and the very first thing Marvel does when it regains the license from Dark Horse is have just that happen.

I was not exactly primed to like this story.

I was pleasantly surprised to find myself laughing the whole way through. The artwork is gorgeous— I'll just say that first off. There were moments when Leia carried expressions I've seen on Carrie Fisher's face. The likeness is much better than what I'm used to in comics, though granted, my experience is quite limited. Han too, looked spectacular to me.

I loved the eyes. They looked so alive, and full of emotion.

As far as the story goes— hey, it wasn't as painful as I was anticipating. The idea of posing as Jabba's people to blow up the factory was a good idea on the Rebels' part, the Imperial who looks tough, then crumples without a second's hesitation when R2 threatens him was beautiful.

As far as the confrontation between Luke and Vader, I found that I couldn't be mad, because I was too busy glorying in Vader's awesome dialogue. He does some Bad Guy Monologueing to an empty room full of dead people, but hey. It's a comic. I'm not sure comic authors know how to tell a comic story without doing that kind of thing.

There were some beautiful drawings of Vader, and all in all, the impact this story is going to have on my own writing will be felt. I'm going to assume the basics of what happened are true in the Star Wars universe, but did Luke really fly under the stomping foot of the AT-AT when he could have just gone around? I don't know. Maybe. Or maybe that was just a legend spread about the famous Luke Skywalker in the time between Ep VI and VII.

I adore Vader, and he was very badshebs, beautiful, and said a lot of cruel and wonderful things. That is certainly how to convince me to return to read again some time in the future.

And can I just say, I do like Marvel's second stab at explaining how Vader figured out the Death Star Pilot's name better than the original one waaay back when.

I'm aware there exists a character named “Sana” but I'm not really sure how she fits in. I do think she's the lady in the ship headed for the gorgeous planet with the waterfall cave. That is my guess.

See you guys later!

Curious to see my Star Wars fan fiction? Come visit me on Archive of our Own. I'm Star_Wars_Syl there, and I'm @StarWarsSyl on Twitter.