Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wild Speculation #23: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 17, Partners in Crime

Can you guess at which part I utterly freaked out? Yes. The moment Vincent says he had two brothers!

I am delighted that Tess and Cat are working things out, because I really like that friendship, and I've been missing it.

I am concerned that our ADA's mom died in Afghanistan when Vincent went nuts on that village. After all, he seems to absolutely hate the Creature, he's very traumatized about his mother's death, was trying to find common ground with Cat about it, said she died when he was much younger... so it had to have happened before the whole Saved Cat The First Time thing... but I hope I'm wrong. I'd prefer a different backstory for our ADA.

And now Evan absolutely knows. Absolutely. And I feel so sorry for him. Sorry, Evan! You're not Beast, so you don't get to love Beauty! Take heart, though, Evan, I'm sure I can't be the only viewer who's been voting for you the whole time.

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