Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wild Speculation #10: Wynonna Earp Season 1 Episode 2, Keep the Home Fires Burning

 Hi everyone! I am Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

This episode had some wonderful quotes.

Wynonna trying to clear the club out with her credentials, giving up, and finally yelling, “Crazy chick with a gun!” And when threatened that she would be taken out by the revenants (“we”), she replied, “We? Maybe. You? Doesn't look great,” right before taking him out for good. Other lines I really liked: “We do not take pirate booty,” and “Wyatt didn't drink. He preferred ice cream.”

Also: Wynonna doesn't like pink. I like that in a woman. All joking aside, that made me laugh.

The crater town was something else. And while Dolls' backstory will be revealed later no doubt, we received a couple of hints here. That he tried to prevent the Woke Town going boom— “I did everything I could to stop it.” I love the comment Wynonna made to him after he showed her that photo of the destroyed town. “Normal dudes carry baby pictures in their wallet.” Nice.

Dolls made a comment about it being difficult to be the youngest, which makes me wonder if he's the youngest in his family. I look forward to the further revealing of his past. He also laid out the statement: “I don't do relationships” to Wynonna. Calling it now, these two end up in one together.

Speaking of pasts, our Well Man, Henry, had quite a lot of hints dropped. We know who you are, who you rode with. What he did to their great great granddaddy. “You were Wyatt Earp's right hand man.” Still human, with mortal blood to purchase the assassin's work, “I can do it, Henry. I can give you the woman who changed you,” and his panicked, “I won't go back in the dark!” I am very curious for the continued unraveling of his backstory.

I confess I was quite confident that the “Imaginary friend” would be important the moment Waverly brought it up. I was right. However, once Bobo appeared in the flashback, I was absolutely, completely convinced it would turn out to be our Man of the Well.

Turns out it's the walking add for Vikings instead! Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Bossman is in the wrong TV show? And then it turned into Star Trek because the guy peeled his shirt off so we could see his glowing back? I get why they did that for the audience, but I'm having a hard time figuring out why in-universe the Viking cosplayer named Bobo is slowly stripping. No, wait, I think the answer's in the question.

There were some classic horror elements in the story: none of the lights working, can't get them back on. Fresh batteries in the flashlight. The car won't start. When Wynonna insisted on splitting up, I yelped, “Seriously?!” because I thought she was a smarter woman than that, but apparently not. Waverly's question later, “Where is this thing?”

It's behind you, sweetheart. It's always behind you.

Some final thoughts: interesting that revenants get burned by Peacemaker when they touch her. Why isn't Waverly's height marked on the wall? Is she not the child of one or other parent? Or does she not exist? Is she all in Wynonna's head, or perhaps she does exist, but is a ghost?

And best for last: Nicole Haught. It's really too bad she's almost definitely a revenant. Really too bad, because I really like her.

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