Warning: This
post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that
came before it.
Okay. In this episode we have the solid
beginning of Enter Evan As Love Interest. On the one hand, I'm
pleased I called it, but on the other... I'm not sure yet. I mean, we
know where it has to end up as long as the show did not end up
canceled. Beauty and Beast have to be together, or there is no point
in calling it this. They'd have gone for another name.
Because of that, I'm having a hard time
feeling very invested in this part of the story, because I know that
it will end up working out at the last possible minute, and until
then there will be a long, painful journey.
Then again, I'm not really into romance movies, so my perspective is very definitely biased.
I thought for sure that both JT and
Vincent would decide to not attempt
the dates. Actually, that's inaccurate. I was braced against JT
getting within hearing distance of his potential date only to have
her agree to go out with someone else/kiss the guy selling coffee.
Was I the only one sure that was going to go badly? But that
turned out okay, and Vincent
actually started walking to
Cat's apartment.
I kept waiting for
him to change his mind... and he didn't. No, it didn't work out, but
at least it wasn't his fault. Passing out cold on the sidewalk wasn't
exactly something he could have predicted ahead of time. But hey—
I'm glad he didn't chicken out! Difficult to be mad at him for
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