Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wild Speculation #9: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 10, Seeing Red

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

I really liked the intro to this episode. It didn't explain the overarching plot, it just had a couple lines of dialogue from the last episode, with quiet, grim music, and that opening to this episode really appealed to me.

I confess I was minorly disappointed that the end of the last episode was misleading. By the time Evan gets to a place where he can see Cat, Vincent has vanished. Ah, well. Can't have the third character figure it out until late in the game. I mean, in Grimm, people had to nearly die before finding out— oh, wait. Evan has nearly died already.

I hope Evan figures it out before the season finale, but they might string it out that long. For me, the enjoyable part is less the Trying-To-Figure-It-Out phase, and more the let me help phase. I would like the superhero team-up of Vincent, JT, Cat, and Evan, simply because I like the character of Evan very much.

That caught me completely by surprise because I usually dislike the “arrogant player” characters in TV shows/movies, but I really like Evan.

I especially like how calm he was when tending to Cat. We find out how very much afraid he was, and he seems to be aware The Creature is possibly right over there, but instead of getting distracted, instead of freaking out, or even raising his voice— which would certainly be understandable— he had a quiet professionalism that I really liked.

Vincent's eyes reflecting in the dark in the later half of this episode? A cool effect. I really liked it! I also like Alex as a character. I look forward to seeing her in the next episode, since she was in the thumbnail, I'm assuming she has a role. Besides, the story with Vincent is far from over, since Cat challenged our Beast to figure out if he's still in love with Alex or not.

Here's the thing: I like Alex and Vincent together. I'd like them to get back together, have Cat and Evan go the other direction. I don't actually much care for Vincent and Cat being together as a couple. I would like Alex to become a permanent member of Team Beast (Thank you, Felicity Smoak). I don't think it will happen, in fact, I'm almost one hundred percent sure it won't... but that's what I would have most enjoyed. I would like to see Cat help Vincent because it's the right thing to do, because she feels strongly about it, because she cares about him... but not that way. Let the romance be found elsewhere. But this is a TV show called Beauty and the Beast, so I suppose we were doomed from the start to have Beauty and Beast fall in love, weren't we?

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