Sunday, July 23, 2017

Wild Speculation #29: Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) Season 1 Episode 21, Date Night

Hello! I'm Star Wars Syl and this is the Remember Clone Captain Keeli blog.

Warning: This post will contain spoilers for this episode, and any episodes that came before it.

Sorry, it's just my brain went to Breaking Dawn Part Two.”— Tess.

Oh, my Force, yes. I wasn't expecting a non-slur Twilight reference, so that was a surprise that left me smiling. Twilight-bashing is a fad, and it's become a bit of a broken record, as far as I'm concerned. It's like when I hear people mocking me for loving the Prequels, or see someone else picking on a kid for liking Winnie-the-Pooh.

In this episode, Gabriel revealed himself to Cat. Ta-da! Now there's two of them! I'll admit, in my speculation as for what Gabriel might be, Beast was not on the list until we saw the glowy eyes last episode. Nice twist.

Twelve hours until I turn back into a pumpkin.” An absolutely adorable statement to come out of Vincent's mouth, unexpected and delightful.

Also in this episode, we get to have a closer look at Vincent's battle between self-loathing and self-acceptance, learn he spent ten years searching for a cure, not enjoying the moments along the way because he was too focused on the destination.

I have battled Lyme Disease for most of my life. I rarely see myself represented in media: individuals assailed by an “Invisible” disease that impacts every aspect of their daily lives. It's very rare to have a protagonist with this kind of struggle, and to be honest, when all the heroes on screen are healthy... it's harder to respect my own body's struggle, because it feels like I should be healthy. I should be able to do the things these heroes do.

A cure can be defined as something that works for everyone, and works all the time. Right now, the treatments for chronic Lyme are experimental at best, and while some things work for some people, it doesn't work for everyone, and the reasons why are still being unearthed.

Each time I try something new, I lose a little more hope that we'll find something that works for me. Something that lasts, so that I don't relapse after a few years of apparent health.

Cat's final conclusion was beautiful. To live in the moment, to seize what joys there are to be gained now, and keep open for options of healing in the future... but not to put life on hold for a cure that may not come in our lifetimes. Be willing to try, but don't expect life to start after a cure date.

That's been my struggle. My current life doesn't feel real because I'm not well yet, and once I'm well, then I can really start living. It's only in recent months I've determined I can't keep living in that hell. I have to live now. And yes, my battle means sometimes I have to spend internal resources on simply surviving instead of the exciting things others take for granted (walking... consistent mental math... the ability to drive a car without excruciating agony), but there are still wonderful things here and now. And I'm not going to ignore them anymore.

The Lyme I fight every second of every day doesn't give me superstrength or gorgeous glowing eyes, but the principle is the same. Keep trying to find a way out, and if it doesn't work, it's okay, but just keep trying, and don't let it rob you of the present.

Cat's words: “I don't need you to be cured. I just need you to not give up.”

Lyme isn't the only Invisible Disease (a disease that is easy to forget a friend has if you aren't experiencing that battle every day yourself, one that by looking at them you wouldn't know they have). Our struggle is real. The fact people forget and expect us to accomplish the same physical or emotional feats as others can make us feel forgotten.

I'm going to take my leave of you with just one more quote that I highly enjoyed.

Vincent said, speaking of Gabriel, “He's not bad for a suit.”

Cat's reply? “And so begins a very unique bromance.”

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